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No, if anything, it gives the bread more "tooth". But mostly, it assures a uniform texture to the loaf.

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Q: Does kneading the dough make the bread softer?
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Related questions

What the kneading machine used for?

to make bread and mix bread

Why do you have to knead dough?

As you knead dough many important things take place: the gluten becomes developed so the bread can rise to its fullest, air bubbles are incorporated into the dough necessary for the dough's rise and the ingredients are redistributed for the yeast to feed on resulting in a more active fermentation. This enables the dough to expand to it fullest during the rising and baking steps.

How does wheat become bread?

The basic steps in making bead are: plowing, seeding, harvesting, binding sheaves, beating the grains, winnowing, separating, grinding, sifting, kneading, baking. These are the steps listed in the making of bread according to Jewish tradition. shimsar

How do you make bread dough with a dough hook?

A dough hook will sometimes come with your mixer or processor.You will know when you see it as the end is hooked. Measure out the flour and other ingredients according to you recipe into the bowl of your mixer. Using the dough hook mix the dough until it pulls away from the sides of the bowl. This take the place of most of the kneading the dough will need.

What occurs in each stage of kneading dough with a commercial mixer?

Needing more dough just to make it thru the next day.

Why is it necessary to rest the dough between folds?

After kneading the dough, some people think that letting it rest will make it easier to actually shape the dough into various shapes. This is because you are enabling the gluten bonds the ability to relax and enabling the dough to rise.

How do you make bread dough on rs?

Pot of flour + jug/bucket of water = dough (pick bread dough).

Why should you allow pie dough to rest after mixing it?

When mixing a bread dough, a recipe will often instruct you to allow the dough to rest after mixing and before kneading. The reason for allowing the dough to rest is that adding too much flour to the dough will make the bread dry and heavy, so allowing your bread dough to rest before kneading gives the dough time to absorb water and fully hydrate. Recipes give an amount of flour but, because flour varies in the amount of moisture it can absorb, the actual amount of flour used will vary.While the resting time is important in all breads, it's especially important when using whole grain flours. Whole grains will absorb more water than white flour but they also take longer to absorb water. If you mix and knead the dough quickly, often too much flour will be added and the resulting bread will be dry and crumbly. By giving the flour some added time to hydrate, you will likely add less flour and result in a more successful bread.

Can you use bread dough to make croissants?

No. Croissants are made with a puff pastry dough. You can make butterhorn rolls with bread dough, but they are not the same thing.

Why is sugar one of the ingredients for bread?

Sugar acts as a tenderizer during mixing, it absorbs water and slows the development of gluten that can make the dough tough, it is source of nourishment for yeast. the dough rises faster and is more consistent. Sugar gives bread a softer texture and adds to the colour

What is a dough improver?

Dough improver is actually called bread improver. it is used in bread making and can be bought in supermarkets. You add the bread improver into the dough and it will make a better loaf of bread.

How do you make bread light and fluffy?

Yeast breads require hard handling. To make the best, light and fluffy bread you will be doing a lot of kneading. We joke about it, but a good bread baker is a calm and placid person because they have taken all their aggressions out on the bread.