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A pediatrician is a doctor for children and children bleed too so yes.

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Q: Does pediatricians deal with blood
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What subjects does pediatricians mostly deal with?

Pediatricians deal with children and their illnesses/diseases.

What are doctors called that deal with children?

They are called pediatricians and their specialism is called pediatrics.

Do pediatricians deal with a lot of stress?

sometimes it kinda depends on what mood you are having and how patient you are.

Why do pediatricians mostly deal with people?

Paediatricians are doctors dealing with children and childhood illness. Children are people.

What do Pediatricians like least about their jobs?

They have to deal with children getting severely harmed and injured. Death could also occur with one of their patients. Pediatricians have to endure this.These are the sacrifices you have to make if you want to work as a pediatrician.

Will being a pediatrician require to travel or will work in one location?

Pediatricians work with children and babies, so no. The Pediatricians I know certainly dont work outside unless they have been in exceptional cicumstances such as in third world countries and then still there is some kind of shelter.

What are the benefits for pediatricians?

While you may have to deal with managed care and insurance companies, you also have a lot of ease and independence in how and where you practice.

What is the dressing code for pediatricians?

pediatricians have no dress code when there at work but pediatricians in training usually wear scrubbs.

Why are pediatricians needed?

pediatricians needed to treat kids

What is a general primary care pediatrician?

do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies?

Who is a Pediatricians apprentiship?

If pediatricians were to have an apprentice, it would be a pediatric resident.

Are pediatricians only from the US?

No there are also pediatricians in other countries.