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The O has a long O vowel sound and the A has a schwa (uh) sound.

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The word "sofa" has a short o sound, as in "sah-fuh."

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What is the schwa vowel sound in substitute?

The schwa sound in "substitute" is the sound of the unstressed "uh" vowel, like the "a" in "sofa." It is a very neutral, mid-central vowel sound that often occurs in unstressed syllables in English words.

What is the schwa vowel sound in?

The schwa vowel sound is the most common vowel sound in English, represented by the symbol ə. It is a short and neutral sound, similar to the 'uh' sound in words like "sofa" or "banana."

What is a schwa vowel sound?

A schwa is the most common vowel sound in English, represented by the symbol /ə/. It is a neutral, mid-central vowel sound that is often found in unstressed syllables. The schwa sound is heard in words like "sofa," "banana," and "sofa."

What words end in a long a sound?

Words ending in the long a vowel sound ("eɪ" in the phonetic alphabet) usually end with -ay in English words such as:playstaygayhaymay

What are the vowel sounds for the letter a?

The vowel sounds for the letter "a" can vary depending on the word and accent. Common vowel sounds for "a" include the short "a" sound as in "cat," the long "a" sound as in "cake," and the schwa sound as in "sofa."

How many vowel sounds are in US English?

There are 19 standard vowel sounds (20 if you count schwa-R separately)Here is what they sound like:pat (short A, ah)pay (long A)care (long A-r)father (aah, similar to short O)bet (short E)beet (long E)bit (short I)bite, by (long I)pier (rhotic I, similar to long E)cot (short O)toe (long O)for (rhotic O, similar to long O)noise (OY sound, a digraph)good, book (short OO, distinct from short U)boot (long OO, or long U)urge (rhotic short U)bud, cut (short U, uh)out, loud (OW sound, a digraph)alone, sofa, system, edible, gallop, circus (schwa sound, ə , an unstressed eh, ih, or uh sound)better, butter (rhotic schwa)

What is the schwa vowel sound in yesterday?

The schwa vowel sound in "yesterday" is represented by the letter "a." It is a central, mid, unrounded vowel sound that is often found in unstressed syllables in English. It is pronounced as a weak, neutral sound, like the "uh" in "sofa."

What is the schwa vowel sound in giant?

The schwa vowel sound in "giant" is typically pronounced as /ə/, like the "a" sound in "sofa." It is a neutral, unstressed sound that is often found in unstressed syllables in English words.

What is a mid central neutral vowel typically occurring in unstressed syllables as the final vowel of the English sofa?

The mid central neutral vowel in the final position of 'sofa' is typically represented as /ə/. This schwa sound is a common unstressed vowel sound in English, often found in word-final positions where vowels are reduced in pronunciation.

What is the name of the vowel sound in unstressed syllables in English?

The vowel sound in unstressed syllables in English is called the schwa sound, represented by the symbol ə. It is a central, mid-central vowel sound that is often heard in words like "sofa" or "ago."

What is the difference between long vowel sounds and short vowel sounds?

Long vowel sounds are pronounced for a longer duration and are the same as the name of the vowel (e.g. "cake" - the "a" sounds like the name of the letter). Short vowel sounds are pronounced for a shorter duration and often differ from the name of the vowel (e.g. "cat" - the "a" sounds like "uh").

In linguistics what does the schwa refer to?

The schwa is a mid-central vowel sound in the middle of the vowel chart. It sounds like the "uh" sound found in unstressed syllables in English words like "sofa" or "banana".