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in some cases it is only good for preventing them since they do not like the smell.. but in this it must be 100% tea tree oil.. it is however likely that it will kill them if you leave it on your head or leave it in a shower cap on your head overnight

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Q: Does tea tree oil really work for head lice?
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Related questions

What alternative treatment is available to treat head lice?

An alternative treatment for head lice is tea tree oil, sometimes called melaleuca oil. Tea tree oil appears to work well in treating head lice that have developed resistance to other preparations.

What is a head lice treament?

Well, i know that it really sounds gross, but one thing to do is to put mayo all over the head and then cover it with plastic wrap to suffocate all the lice, another is to wash hair in eggs (which is again very gross but it will REALLY work:)

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How do you get rid of fleas using Hartz shampoo?

If they really are fleas, you can wash them out with shampoo. Simple. But they may not be fleas. They may be head lice. To deal with the lice, go to your local chemist or pharmacy to get a head lice killer pack. It's available without a prescription.

Why doesn't rid or nix work on head lice?

This only loosens the lice you need a special comb to remove them

What other iteams at home that will kill head lice?

Mayo will work

How do you use the cat shampoo to get rid of head lice?

You get the shampoo and put it on your head. Fleas shampoo may not work, get one for lice and get the one with the special comb so you can get the nits out of your hair

How are head lice transmitted?

Sharing brushes/combs, wearing anothers hat, lying on an infected persons' pillow or just hanging out with somebody that does have head lice. It is head to head contact..... stay away from somebody scratching!

Will miracle whip work to on head lice?

No, real mayonnaise is better.

How do you get read of head lice?

Wash your hair with tee tree oil shampoo. If that doesn't work soak you r hair in tomatoes juice or mayonnaise for 24 hours. If none I those remedies work go to a pharmacist for special treatment. 👍

Are head lice a problem for growing hair?

No, it makes no difference, but it's more work to get them out of longer hair.

Can you work in the food service industry with head lice?

No. Fortunately, curing that is a pretty simple and quick process.