

Does the executive branch have delegated powers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does the executive branch have delegated powers?
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Is a presidential veto considered a reserved power?

no. a presidential veto is a power of the president, who is a part of the executive branch of the federal government. it is a delegated power. powers of the states are referred to as reserved powers.

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Where does it say in the constitution what powers the judicial branch has over the executive branch?

The powers of the judicial branch are contained in Article III of the Constitution, but those powers are not over the executive branch...they are separate from the powers of the legislative and executive branches.

What is the Lawmaking power delegated to the executive branch?

Whether to sign it in as law or not.

The executive branch has expanded its powers through what?

The executive branch has expanded its powers through federal bureaucracies.

What does it mean to delegate powers?

Delegated powers are constitutional powers assigned to one government agency, but delegated to another agency with express permission. One example of a delegated power would be the Food and Drug Administration. The power to create this bureaucracy was given to the executive branch by Congress. The power to create laws regarding commerce resides within the legislative branch, but the FDA is able to make regulations through delegated power.

Can the Executive Branch of government make laws or can it only enforce laws Explain?

The executive branch has very limited powers to make what might be considered laws, usually in the form of executive orders or by means specifically delegated by other laws passed by Congress, and the President may veto laws passed by Congress.

What are delegated or enumerated power?

powers given to each branch of the federal goverment

What is meant by quasi legislative functions and how they differ from purely legislative functios?

When legislative power is delegated to the executive. When legislature while in acting delegated its powers to the executive is called quasi legislative functions.

How can the executive branch expand its powers?

it can't

What are the powers denied to the executive branch?

The executive branch has limited powers because of the constitution. This branch is prohibited from creating new laws and legislation. They are also not allowed to declare war.