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AnswerYes. You need to keep track of your mileage and it is supposed to be reimbursed. Does that include all doctors visits, specialists visits, Physical Therapy sessions & trips to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions due to the workman's comp injury even if any of these are in the local town?

Thank you for the answer , Are they supposed to be paying mileage as these appointments arise , or when the case settles, down the road ?

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Tyler Abernathy

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1y ago

Yes they do. They have to play for anywhere u have to drive that involves your injury on file

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Q: Does workers comp have to pay for your mileage to the doctor?
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Does workers comp have to pay for mileage to pick up medication's?

No, I don't think so.

How much do the state of Michigan workers comp pay for your milege to travel back andforth to the doctor?

they pay 4 billion

What happens if a person can not pay taxes on workers comp benefits?

There are no taxes on workers comp

Do pay income tax on workers comp in ny that you receive weekly?

I'm not sure in NY but in Iowa you don't pay income tax on workers comp.

You have developed arthritis as a result of continual work on the computer consequently you had to have surgery on your hand is this a work related injury should workmens comp be filed?

Yes. Under the Workers Comp Statute - at least in Michigan, any condition that is caused by, accelerated, or aggrevated by your employment, is compensible. You merely have to have a doctor indicate that your condition is a work related repetitive action injury. If your employer won't pay you workers comp benefits, you can initiate a claim against him. You are entitled to time lost from work, all out-of-pocket medical expenses, and mileage to and from your doctor's appointments.

I got injured at work but the CA workers comp system is awful. I have good medical insurance. Is it better to collect workers comp or to file short term disability and pay your own doctor's bills?

In CA your only recourse for an injury on the job is Workers Comp. Your medical insurance can not pay for expenses related to your injury at work. Asking them to do so and not disclosing that the injury occurred at work is insurance fraud.

Will aflac accident policy pay if accident is covered by workers comp?

Yes they do pay you, only on the accident part, it's ok through workers comp too, they can't touch your pay. It is allowed...

If you return to work on light duty will you get a paycheck from your employer and workers comp?

No. Because the doctor has verified that are able to work, and you are receiving a normal paycheck on company time. Now a check from workers comp may overlap with your employer pay, but, once workers comp has been notified, that you are working, light duty or otherwise, those payments will stop.

Does an employer have to pay an employee wages and mileage to go to the doctor if it is workers comp claim?

The worker's comp law is slightly different in each state. Basically if an employee is injured in the course and scope of their work, they are entitled to having the cost of medical care paid, and if they miss time from work, they are to be paid for wages they miss. There ARE limits on how much the payments are. You should look up worker's comp for YOUR state.

I am a sub contractor do i have to pay worker's compensation?

Workers Comp varies from state to state but in general, if you are an employer you must pay for Workers Comp for your employees. Most large contractors require their subs to show evidence of Workers Comp coverage. This is because the insurance companies will charge the GC if they can't show evidence of all workers being covered under other policies. So in general, yes, sub contractors have to pay for Workers Comp.

Can an employer keep your vacation pay while out on workers comp?

I do not believe anyone should go on vacation when on workers comp. Workers compensations are for people with real disability cases. If you are leaving on vacation then you are able to go to work.

What is the pay on gas reimbursement for workers comp?

in new york state its .505 a mile.