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That is dependent of state laws. In Kansas he had to have begun paying child support during the pregnancy. In Minnesota, he was suppose to register the fact he was having sex with an unmarried female, each time, with the state. In many states, he had to have registered as the father within a specific number of days after the time of the birth, even if he signed he birth certificate. Under all of this it means he's voluntarily taking financial responsibility for a child that may or may not be his.

Single fathers have no assume rights to a child resulting from illicit sex in any state. see links below.

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Q: Does your son have any rights regarding unborn child she wants to put up for adoption?
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In the United States, fathers have no rights regarding unborn children. In Kentucky, a father won't have rights to a child unless he's on the birth certificate or until he establishes paternity in court.

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In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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No there is not. In Arizona a parent may only terminate their rights voluntarily in preparation for an adoption. In other cases, the courts may terminate rights involuntarily in certain and dire circumstances. Both scenarios are after the birth of the child, not before. Until an adoption is legalized or if adoption isn't going to happen, the parent's obligation to support their child does not end with the termination of their rights. All that does is terminate the parent's right to see their child and have any say-so in their lives.

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No. The child has to be born before released for adoption. The father must consent because he has parental rights that are equal to the mother's.

In Australia what are a fathers rights to unborn child?

He has no rights until the child is born even if he can prove it is his.

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A court would never award custody or visitation rights to a convicted child abuser.

What rights does the father have to your unborn child in Minnesota?

In the United States the father has no rights until the child is born.

If the daughter gets pregnant is her father ordered to pay child support on her child?

No. The father of the pregnant daughter has no legal obligation to support her child. That responsibility belongs to the biological father of the unborn child assuming that the pregnancy is not terminated nor the child placed for adoption or parental rights terminated by the court.