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no it doesn't Asthma affects primarily the lower respiratory area i.e. lungs

No, usually the hardness to breath is caused by a sticky gunge produced by the air sacs in your lungs when something irritates them. The gunge can narrow your wind pipe.

Dont worry it sounds worse than it actually is!

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Q: Does your throat swell up when you are having difficulties with asthma?
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What is asmtha?

Asthma is when the muscles in the throat and trachea swell or tighten making it very difficult to breath. this can be caused by an allergic reaction, such as eating the wrong food or being around dust, or can be induced by exercise.

What disease in which the trachea and bronchi swell you and stimulates suffocation?

Asthma is the disease that affects the trachea and bronchi and causes them to swell and stimulates suffocation. Symptoms of asthma can include wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing.

Why would your dogs tongue swell and throat close?

It is having an allergic reaction--you can give a dog Benadryl--and take it to the vet before it can't breathe! Like now!

What is occupational asthma?

Occupational asthma is a form of lung disease in which the breathing passages shrink, swell, or become inflamed or congested as a result of exposure to irritants in the workplace.

Does asthma make breathing hard?

your bronchioles swell up which restricts the amount of oxygen going into your lungs.

Why does your throat swell when you chew tobacco?

This very well may be due to your body having an allergic reaction to tobacco, try going without for a few days to see if the swelling goes down.

How can you control your asthma during and attack?

If you are having an attack, rate if from 1-10, 1 being barely and 10 being extreme. 3 and up means you need to go to the emergency room. 5 and up means you should call 911. You cannot control your asthma during an attack, you must go to the hospital or you could possibly suffer/die from anesthetic shock or your throat could swell up and possible close. Never doubt the seriousness of an Asthma attack. I remember when I was 4, I was in a hot tub at a water park, and turned blue. I went into an anesthetic shock. Asthma attacks are very frightening and may cause you to go into a panic attack.

Do your tonsils get swollen if you have mono?

No, your lymph nodes swell and cause the glands in your throat to swell also. And in most cases there are little white spots where it's swollen.

How Asthma affects the body?

Asthma affects the body because it makes it hard to breath. Your airways begin to swell up and it blocks the air going in and out of the lungs. Without air your body can not function.

Can you get strep throat if your tonsils were removed?

I have gotten my tonsils removed and yes you can still get strep throat. Although you get it not as easy and it will not be as much of a miserable experience. As you could imagine not having tonsils that also swell up. Plus you get to chill in a hospital and eat ice cream... Now that is bomb.