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English must considered to be the medium of instruction because we all know that it is a universal language.

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16h ago

English and Filipino are widely used as mediums of communication in the Philippines. English is commonly used in business, education, and government settings, while Filipino, based on Tagalog, is the national language and is spoken by a large part of the population. Many Filipinos are bilingual and proficient in both languages.

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Q: English and filipino as a medium of communication?
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What do you mean by English as a means of communication?

Means of communication is actually a medium or a way by which a person can communicate. Now, "English is a means of communication" means that English is a medium through which one can communicate i.e., english is a language through which people talk or communicate. So, by means of communication we mean a language (or medium), or method or way of communication.

What does the Philippine Constitution say about the use of English and Filipino as a means of communication in the country?

According to Article IV, Section 6: The national language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other languages.Subject to provisions of law and as the Congress may deem appropriate, the Government shall take steps to initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of official communication and as language of instruction in the educational system.Section 7 says: For purpose of communication and instructions, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. The regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the regions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein.Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.Section 8. This Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino and English and shall be translated into major regional languages, Arabic, and Spanish.Section 9. The Congress shall establish a national language commission composed of representatives of various regions and disciplines which shall undertake, coordinate, and promote researches for the development, propagation, and preservation of Filipino and other languages.

Why English is used as a medium communication of business?

because english is the international language use by all people in the world.

Are words the most commonest medium of communication?

commonest medium of communication

What is the Filipino term for communication?

Tagalog Translation of COMMUNICATION: komunikasyon

Why do you need to study English as a Filipino and why it is important to be learned?

As a Filipino, there's a need to study English because it is a universal language. For a person to be globally adept English language should be learned. Also English is the medium of instruction in the Philippines especially in subjects like Mathematics and Science. If a student has been continuing to study English, it would be easier to understand such subjects.

What are filipino values related to communication?

Filipino values related to communication include respect for elders, using subtle indirect language to convey messages, and expressing emotions through non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language. Additionally, there is an emphasis on maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation through polite and courteous language.

What is the importance of oral communication in English to Filipino seafarers employed on board foreign going vessels?

yun din ung sinisearch ko hahaha

What is the English word of sining ng pakikipagtalastasan?

The English word for "sining ng pakikipagtalastasan" is "art of communication."

What is the richest communication medium?

a face-to-face communication

What are the Filipino words that originated from the Spanish language?

Some Filipino words that originated from Spanish include "mesa" (table), "plato" (plate), "kamiseta" (shirt), and "kamay" (hand). The influence of Spanish colonization in the Philippines has led to the incorporation of many Spanish words into the Filipino language.

What is the English term for the Filipino word puon?

English term for the Filipino word puon: majesty