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Mainly because it causes shortness of breath, fatigue, dyspnea etc...

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Q: Explain why an infection of the breathing system can make us less able to exercise?
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How does your body reacts to infection?

The immune system responds to a bacterial infection in various ways. In most cases, it will release antibodies which will attempt to fight the infection in various ways.

How do you know that exercise affect our respiratory system?

Because our respiratory system is part of our breathing and we all breath faster when we do exercise because the oxygen needs to get to the muscles quicker. Exercise also makes you fitter, so you will see an improvement on the respiratory system because your breathing will be more controlable... Therefore exercise defently effects the respiratory system :)

Can you exercise with a leg infection?

Indeed , it depends on the severity of infection and the type . It is recommended in severe cases to rest to allow immune system to fight the infection due to the fact that exercises waste body's energy and consequently the immune system won't function properly . Ahmed , Medical student .

Is the brain a nervous system or breathing system?

The brain is part of the nervous system and not the breathing (respiratory)system.

What part of the body is a breathing system?

The respiratory system is a breathing system in the body of animals.

What is the name for respiratory system?

The respiratory system is the system that handles breathing.

The respiratory system depends on the nervous system to do what?

The nervous system controls the rate and depth of breathing, allowing the respiratory system to adjust to changing conditions like exercise or stress. The nervous system also helps regulate the muscles involved in breathing, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

How does the respiratory system regulates breathing for runners?

The respiratory system encompasses breathing.

What are some activities that include both aerobic and anaerobic exercise?

Actually, every exercise is at least slightly aerobic or slightly anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise with oxygen, in other words, exercise that gets you breathing hard by utilizing your cardiovascular system. Running, jogging, swimming, and walking are examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is exercise without oxygen, in other words, exercise that does not get you breathing hard. Doing a single squat or bench press are examples of anaerobic exercise. Also, many anaerobic exercises can be made aerobic simply by doing more of them, for example, doing 50 bench presses or squats without pausing. ----

What organ system is primarily responsable for breathing?

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM is primarily responsible for breathing.

Why does your circulation system and your breathing system change when you exercise?

We breath in more oxygen and we have to respire quickly. our heart has to pump the oxygenated blood around our body faster and take the deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get the carbon dioxide out.

What is the role of breathing passages in the immune system?

What is the role of the breathing passages in the immunes system