


Soaps and Detergents

Soaps and detergents help clean everything from dirty hands to soiled laundry. Ask questions about their chemical properties and uses around the house.

500 Questions

Who invented all detergent?

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All detergent was invented by the Lever Brothers Company in the early 20th century. The company developed a formula that revolutionized laundry detergent by offering strong stain-fighting power and a fresh scent. Today, All detergent is a well-known brand in the laundry industry.

What is soap a micture or a element?

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Soap is a mixture composed of fatty acids, oils, and alkalis such as sodium hydroxide. It is not considered an element because it is made up of multiple different compounds.

What solvent can remove dirt on clothes?

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One common solvent for removing dirt on clothes is a mixture of water and a mild laundry detergent. Other options include rubbing alcohol for specific stains and white vinegar for odors or stains. Always spot test on a small, inconspicuous area before applying to the entire garment.

What r chemical present in detergent?

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Some common chemicals present in detergents include surfactants (such as alkylbenzene sulfonates), enzymes (like proteases and amylases), builders (e.g. phosphates or zeolites), and fragrances. These chemicals work together to remove dirt and stains while providing a pleasant scent to the laundry.

Does purex detergent have bleach in it?

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Purex detergent does offer bleach alternatives in some of their products, but not all Purex detergents contain bleach. It is important to read the product label to see if bleach is listed as an ingredient.

What do you use soap spirit for?

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Soap spirits are typically used as a detergent or surfactant in cleaning products such as dish soap, laundry detergent, and household cleaners. They help to break down dirt and grease, making it easier to clean surfaces.

Is hand soap flammable?

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Most hand soaps are not flammable because they are primarily composed of water and surfactants, which are not easily ignitable. However, some hand soaps containing alcohol-based ingredients like ethanol or isopropyl alcohol can be flammable as these alcohols are combustible.

How long does it take for bar soap to dissolve?

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Bar soap typically dissolves within a few minutes when exposed to running water. The exact time can vary depending on the brand and composition of the soap.

How do you make liquid blue detergent?

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To make liquid blue detergent, you'll need water, grated soap, washing soda, borax, essential oils for fragrance (optional), and blue coloring (optional). Heat water and grated soap until the soap dissolves. Then, stir in washing soda and borax until dissolved. Finally, add essential oils and blue coloring if desired, let it cool, and then transfer to a container for use.

What ingredient makes soap bubble?

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Soap bubbles are made of a thin film of water sandwiched between two layers of soap molecules. The soap molecules lower the surface tension of the water, allowing the film to stretch and form bubbles.

How does the detergent affect the water?

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Detergent decreases the surface tension of water, allowing it to spread and penetrate more easily. It also helps to break down oils and grease by surrounding the particles and allowing them to be washed away with water.

Is detergent a starch?

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No, detergent is not a starch. Detergent is a type of cleaning agent that helps to break down and remove dirt and grease from surfaces. Starch, on the other hand, is a carbohydrate that is commonly found in plants and used for various purposes, such as thickening or stabilizing foods.

How do you make pine gel cleaning detergent?

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Asked by Lkunaka

To make pine gel cleaning detergent, you can mix distilled water, pine oil or pine-scented cleaner, a thickening agent like xanthan gum or guar gum, a surfactant such as liquid Castile soap, and a preservative like grapefruit seed extract. Combine the ingredients in a pot, heat them while stirring until they blend well, and allow the mixture to cool before transferring it to a container for use.

Why is matter insoluble in alcohol determined in soap and detergents?

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Matter can be insoluble in alcohol in soap and detergents because alcohol is hydrophilic (water-loving), while some components in soap and detergents are hydrophobic (water-repelling). This difference in polarity between the alcohol and the matter prevents them from mixing and dissolving in each other.

What company makes ABC laundry detergent?

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ABC laundry detergent is manufactured by XYZ Company.

What is a conclusion of soap?

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Soap is a surfactant that works by attaching to both water and oil molecules, allowing them to be rinsed away together. This property makes soap an effective cleanser for removing dirt and oils from surfaces.

How are synthetic detergents better than soaps?

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Synthetic detergents are better than soaps because they are more efficient in removing dirt and oil from surfaces. They are less likely to form scum or residue, making them easier to rinse off. Additionally, synthetic detergents are less likely to react with hard water minerals, resulting in better cleaning performance.

Can you use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water?

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Yes, you can use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water. Hard water forms insoluble scum when mixed with soap, while soft water produces lather easily. If soap forms scum rather than lather, the water is likely hard.

What are the ingredients in a bar of ivory soap?

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The ingredients in Ivory soap typically include sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate, water, sodium chloride, sodium silicate, and fragrance.

What is the Gojo soap dispenser?

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The Gojo soap dispenser is a touch-free, automatic dispenser that dispenses hand soap or sanitizer when activated by motion sensors. It is commonly used in public restrooms and other commercial settings to promote hygiene and reduce the spread of germs.

What are the ingredients in the Method brand soap?

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Method brand soap typically contains ingredients such as water, sodium lauryl sulfate (plant-derived cleaning agent), cocamidopropyl betaine (plant-derived surfactant), fragrance (derived from essential oils), and preservatives. It may also include other plant-based ingredients depending on the specific product.

Why has Cheer's powder laundry detergent disappeared?

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Cheer's powder laundry detergent has been discontinued due to a decline in consumer demand for powder detergents. The brand likely made the decision to focus on their liquid detergent products, which are becoming more popular among consumers.

How test do detergent work on fabrics?

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Detergents work on fabrics by binding to and removing dirt, oils, and stains through a process called emulsification. This breaks down the particles and allows them to be easily rinsed away in water. The surfactants in detergents help to break the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate fabric fibers and lift away dirt during the washing process.

What is a highly rated liquid laundry detergent?

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Some highly rated liquid laundry detergents include Tide, Persil, and Arm & Hammer. These brands are known for their effective cleaning power and ability to remove stains and odors from clothes.

What are the advantages of Persil laundry detergent?

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Persil laundry detergent is known for its powerful stain-fighting abilities, even on tough stains like grease and wine. It is also effective in both hot and cold water wash cycles, making it versatile for different laundry needs. Additionally, Persil offers a variety of formulations for different fabric types and washing machines.