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The story of Jonah for Christians is symbolic of the mission of Jesus the Messiah, who preached repentance from sin and faith in God. As recorded in Matthew 12:40, Jesus refers to the 'sign of Jonah': "Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man (Jesus) be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights." In this Jesus indicates in advance that He must die for the atonement of the sin of mankind, but will rise to life after three days.

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The story of Jonah has a few symbolic meanings that can be taken away from it. For one, do not turn from God, for only disaster and destruction lie upon that road. When Jonah fled from his calling to Ninevah, he risked his life and others' because a deadly storm came and could have very easily killed the men. Another thing from the story of Jonah is to have mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. God had declared that he would destroy the people of Ninevah off of the face of the earth because of their wicked ways. However, when the people heard the news, they mourned, grieved, and cried out to God for forgiveness. When God saw their change of ways, and that they were truly repentant, he forgave them. God had compassion, seeing that they were truly lost, and therefore sent Jonah to guide them back to the path of life. God also had mercy, by not giving the people of Ninevah what they deserved - death. He forgave them all of their sins. These are only a few of the symbolic meanings in the story of Jonah that can be helpful for Christians in their lives.

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