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tigers are the ones with stripes and lions are the big furry ones like on lion king. Tiger are the biggest cats and the lion is the second biggest. They are kinda the same because they are big cats. Hope I helped!

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7y ago

Tigers are heavier in weight and are more muscular. They have black stripes across their bodies. Lions do not have stripes. The male lions have large manes around their heads. They both have very different habitats
lions are smaller then tigers

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Q: How are tigers and lions different?
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Are the white lion the same as the lion?

Nope. White tigers and white lions are different breeds of large cats. Just like regular lions and tigers are different, and look different (male lions have manes, tigers have stripes for instance), the white versions of each are also different.

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Tigers and lions are two different cats.

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Do lions and tiger have the same DNA?

Lions and tigers have different genetic make up. That means their DNA are quite different to make them different species.

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because of there different skin patterns.

Are lions a threat to tigers?

No. They live in two totally different habitats.

Do tigers eat lions or lions eat tigers?

lions and tigers eat meat by killing them such as deer, wild pig, and such like.