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Kids can help reduce oil spills through:

  1. being observant in your community
  2. speaking up about what you see
  3. educating others about spills
  4. reporting spills when appropriate
  5. becoming a Citizen Advocate


Your grandpa changes his car oil at home. Sometimes, some oil runs down the driveway and enters a storm drain. Respectfully, you talk to your grandpa about keeping oil out of sewage-waste water drains.

You go with your dad to an oil-changing business. While waiting, you & your dad walk around the block. You notice one of the mechanics pouring used car fluids (oil, transmission fluids, etc.) down a storm drain. A hose stuck in the drain leads back to a drum barrel holding more fluids from hundreds of cars. Your dad calls the police and the EPA.

While fishing along a river, you spot a garbage bag coated in a black oily substance. Oil cans are strewn along the bank. You call the local EPA and local news station, because motor oil kills fish and pollutes water.

For an English Class writing assignment, you decide to write a Letter to the Editor about Oil Platforms placed in oceans and gulfs for Off-shore drilling. You advocate for Congress to expand the distance from a shoreline and for oil companies to pay high fines and clean-up costs after spills. You send a copy of your letter to The President at the White House, too.

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What do people do to prevent oil spills from happening and what does the government do when an oil spill occurs?

Put a lid on the container & the government doesnt do anything :)

Does drilling for oil create oil spills?

It can definitely contribute to oil spills.

How do people adapt to oil spills?

By seeing a lot of oil spills

How would it help when you prevent oil spills?

Oil spills kill and harm sea life as well as ruin business for industry's such as fishing tourism etc. So to protect the environment , the productivity of the environment and the beauty of the environment, it is our duty to prevent damage caused by oil spills whenever we can.