

How can you get your money from an evicted renter?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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FIle for a lien against them in court.

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Q: How can you get your money from an evicted renter?
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If situations have deteriorated to the point of being evicted, then it is serious business. In those cases, and/all deposits the renter paid might be forfeited. Unless the written contract/lease so specifies otherwise, the renter could be out that money. The deposit would be applied to the amount owed (rent, any damages and legal fees for eviction) and the renter would be billed for the rest.

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If your landlord evicted you he has the right to tell another party, such as a potential renter, that he evicted you. He may not tell another person that he will or is about to evict you.

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It's a common myth that a tenant cannot be evicted in winter. I work in Massachusetts, where there is no such law. I know of no state where this is the law.

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If you are living in a property owned by another business or person, no. You have to contact the property owner and have them change the locks (or provide you with the new locks so you can change them). If you are the property owner and there is a person renting you can only change the locks after you've notified the renter about the change in writing. If you have evicted the renter and they refuse to leave/turn in keys or there is no renter then you can change the locks at will.

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By getting roommates.

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If the owner allows it, try getting a roommate.

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The legal responsibilities of a cosigner on a lease agreement are the same as the tenant without the benefit of tenancy.

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You are being evicted.

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