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When you start college you are usually 18 and at 18 you are an adult. You don't need parental consent for anything at 18.

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Q: How can you go to college without parent consent?
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Can a parent force a minor to go to college without their consent?

It is pretty difficult to be a minor and be eligible for college. Most College students have reached the age of 18. And nothing they can do to make them study or attend classes.

Where can you go to get married without a parent's consent?

Anywhere, once you're 18.

Can a 17 year old girl move out without parent consent?

Only if you go before a judge and request emancipation.

Can a fourteen year old go to planned parenthood without parent consent in kansas?

Kansas law allows a "mature minor" to access contraceptive care without parental consent. There is no explicit age in the Kansas state regulations.

When lifeguarding and assisting an injured minor whose parents are there do you first need parent consent?

It depends on the situation. If the victim is on land, then yes you need parental consent. But, if the victim is in the water, you go and rescue the victim without parental consent.

Can a 16 year old move out of their parent's home without their parents consent?

YES all you have to do is go through the legal process of emancipating yourself.

Can you get your tongue pierced if your 14 with your parent consent?

It depends on where abouts you go?

Can a man on child support leave the country for vacation?

Yes. He can't take the child out of the country without the consent of the other parent, but he can go wherever he likes.

Can a minor sign a statement without a parent's consent?

Are you a bloody re-tard. Go and lick a cat's bollocks you pillok. You have the same amount of intelegnce as a cactus

What is the legal age that you can go to the doctors without parental consent?

Any age really. The legal age to sign and consent to your treatment is 16, however there is a legal principle known as Gillick Competence that allows consent to be given under 16 if it is the patients' best interest. I ask my legal brethren to comment further on that matter!

Can police take a minors blood without parent consent?

no a police can not take a minors blood with out an ok from there parent or who ever own them cause that is not they kid and they can go to jail for the to cause if they did that to me boy you dont want to no what i would to to them

Do you need parent consent to go on twitter?

No, parental concent is not required but is recomended.