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Educate yourself as much as possible. Educate your ex and his/her as much as possible about how harmful these behaviors are to children. Sometimes, specially during acrimonious divorce or separation, parents forget to put their kids first, and may confuse what they want or need with what is best for their children. Not to many people want to harm their children, which is why educating them and making them and their family and friends of the damages of Parental Alienation on children is so important.

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What to do is th custodial parent is doing parental alienation?

There are lots of things you can do personally to help stop parental alienation, including documenting every instance of alienation and asking for very specific child custody court orders to eliminate wrongful behavior. A sample of the orders to ask for are: · Neither parent will make or allow others to make negative or disparaging comments about the other parent, or the other parent's past or present relationships, family, or friends within hearing distance of the children. · Each parent shall encourage and see that the children exercise their time with the other parent. Children shall exercise their time with each parent regardless of the circumstances, unless the children are ill and have a Doctor's Note to that effect. · Therapy shall commence immediately for the children and the parents to assist in understanding parental alienation and its detrimental impact upon children. It is important to take action right away. Read what you can about parental alienation so that you can be prepared to stop it. Check the internet for sources of information.

Can you sue a parent for breaking up your marriage?

It's called Alienation of Affection, and most states have abolished the law.

Can a child sue their parent for Alienation of affection when one parent leaves and does nothing to help the child or want anthing to do with the child this is in Michigan?

Probably not. But if that parent was ordered to pay child support and is not doing so, then they can be sued for that.

How can a teen talk to an attorney about visitation with a parent?

Talk to the guardian ad litem, but it is often evidence of parental alienation syndrome.

What can be done if the non custodial parent is turning the child against the other parent?

Go back to the custodial court. Most custody orders and visitation orders etc have a provision against alienation of the child against the other parent.

Is it okay for a custodial parent to refuse their five year old child from flying to other parent with a flight attendant as a chaperone and also tell the child to say they will be scared and get lost?

Parental Alienation

What happens when a 10 year old does not want to visit parent though they have joint custody?

It's a sign of parental alienation syndromesee links

Which major sociological theory is alienation associated with?

Alienation is primarily associated with the Marxist theory in sociology. It refers to the feeling of separation and isolation that individuals may experience due to their disconnection from the products of their labor, fellow workers, and the broader society, as a result of capitalist structures.

IN NJ can you sue for causing alienation of affection not the spouse the mistress who also caused alienation of effection and alienation of financial dealings?

NJ does not allow alienation of affection lawsuits.

Can noncustodial parents prevent custodial parents from leaving the state with baby?

A noncustodial parent can prevent the custodial parent from leaving the state with a baby or child. The court will decide if the custodial parent has just cause to leave the state.

Can a child speak with a judge during a custody battle?

Yes, however it could be viewed as a sign of Parental Alienation Syndrome. which the child may not realize they have as a primary parent can be very good as manipulating how they think about the other parent.

Does a teenager have a say in a non custodial parent wanting visitation and the teenager says they dont want to see the non custodial parent?

They have an opinion, which could be a sign of parental alienation, or just being a teenager not wanting to be told what to do. see link