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Q: How did Cavour and Bismarck manage to unite Italy and Germany when liberals and nationalists failed?
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What are the efforts of Bismarck and cavour in nation building?

Cavour tried to united Italy through conquests and by publishing a nationalist newspaper. Bismarck used secret alliances as a means of unifying Germany.

Who united northern Italy?


What best describes both Bismarck and cavour?


Which best describes Bismarck and Cavour?

Ruthless and charismatic best describes Bismarck and Cavour. Both men were great political leaders and were very intelligent despite their unwillingness to conform.

How are Otto von Bismarck and Camillo di Cavour similar?

All three of these men led the unification of their respective homelands (Bismarck - Germany, Cavour - Italy, Meiji - Japan) in the mid-to-late 1800s and the industrialization and modernization of their countries. The unifications in all cases required impressive military tactics and diplomatic acumen. These leaders also thrust their countries into the imperialist land grab in Africa, Asia, and Oceania, trying to get any territories not already taken by UK, France, Portugal, Netherlands, or Belgium.

Which best describe both Bismarck and cavour?

It's not idealistic.It IS Machiavellian. :)

What steps did Camillo Cavour take to promote unity?

Camillo used Otto Von Bismarck's Realpolitik to strengthen Sardinia's economy and also formed alliances with Britain and France to help gain territory from Austria.

What did Camillo Cavour take to promote Italian unity?

Camillo used Otto Von Bismarck's Realpolitik to strengthen Sardinia's economy and also formed alliances with Britain and France to help gain territory from Austria.

What is Sogliano Cavour's population?

The population of Sogliano Cavour is 4,151.

When was Ponte Cavour created?

Ponte Cavour was created in 1901.

What were the roles of Camillo di Cavour and Otto von Bismarck in the unification of their countries?

Camillo Cavour was the liberal prime minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont - Sardinia. He provoked a war with Austria, and with the help of the French he won. As a result, most of northern Italy voted to join Piedmont. (In the south, Garibaldi captured Sicily and Naples and the southern states joined the northern union.) So, Italy was united in 1861. Otto von Bismarck was the prime minister and foreign minister of Prussia. (Prussia had been a conservative and militaristic monarchy.) TThe Prussians decided to unite Germany but to do so, first they had to win over Austria, becausee she wanted to do the same under their leadership. Austria was defeated by the Prussians in 1866, and this meant that the Habsburgs were excluded from the unification. After the victory, Otto von bismarck made the northern states into a North German Confederation, and when they defeated the French as well, the southern territories joined the Confederation too. In 1871, the united Germany was born with Wilhelm I as Emperor of Germany. Both politicians led their peoples (often to wars) to achieve their main goal: the creation of their nation-states.

When was Liceo classico Cavour created?

Liceo classico Cavour was created in 1859.