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it waas brought to India by the Persians

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Q: How did Zoroastrianism come to the people of India?
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Related questions

How many people practice Zoroastrianism?

About 100,000 in Iran, and india. mostly.

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Which religion is not originated in India?

Islam did not originate in India. Christianity did not. Judaism did not. Baha'i did not. Zoroastrianism did not.

Where are the most country that have zoroastrianism religion?

Iran is first I believe, then India.

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Who found Zoroastrianism?

Zoroaster. He was the prophet and founder, and one of the authors of the Zend-Avesta, the main religious tome of the sect. It arose in what is now called Persia, and spread to India. There are still Zoroastrian temples in India.

How is zoroastrianism different from Christianity?

There are many similarities between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, but also some differences.Christians believe in God, whereas followers of Zoroastrianism believe in Ahura Mazda .In Christianity, Jesus has already come, born of a virgin. In Zoroastrianism, the Saoshyant is yet to come, and will be born of a virgin. Both will fight evil at the end times.Fire is sacred in Zoroastrianism, but not in Christianity. Orthodox followers of Zoroastrianism prefer neither to bury their dead in the sacred ground, nor cremate them.

Where do zoroastrianism people worship?

Zoroastrianism is an ancient iranian religion.the place in which they sancify fire is called atashkade ( fire place)

Where is the religion zoroastriansim practiced today?

Zoroastrianism, once the religion of Persia, is primarily now found in India.

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Who are significant people Zoroastrianism?

prophet zoroster is the answer guys

What is India's richest people population?

1.94% of India's population if you talking bout people who come under ambhani like people