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By hand with a washboard & washtub.

Washing requires agitation and something to help break down water's surface tension, usually soap.

Many cultures continue to do laundry by beating the clothing on rocks along the river. Placing them in large pots of boiling water and stirring was common in pioneer times. A number of plants were determined to have soap properties and would be mixed in.

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Q: How did people do there laundry before automatic washing machines?
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What did they do before washing machines were invented?

Hand wash it.

What was used before washing machines?

clothesline and fresh air

Which wet laundry dries on an outdoor clothesline in winter?

Yes. Before they had washing machines, people hung their wet clothes from trees and clothes lines. It does take longer than a dryer, and it can be a hassle on windy days.

You would like to direct drain the washing machine to the adjacent laundry tub should you tap into the existing drain before or after the trap for the laundry tub?

......before, but I would not recommend direct drain. The washing machine hose must extend up above the flood rim of the washing machine before entering the drain. If not, there is a possibility of sewage backing up into your washing machine.

What improvements have been made to the washing machine over the years?

before time they didnt have washing machines they used scrubbing boards

Is there an espresso machine that is automatic?

There are plenty of automatic or timed machines that will brew espresso right before you wake up. Nearly all of Miele's machines come with timers that can be set on a schedule.

What are "Green" alternatives to laundry detergent?

Laundry detergent can be expensive as well as a skin irritant for many. Most laundry detergent directions call for more detergent that is needed for regular washing. Try cutting your usual scoop size in half per load. Also stained clothes and be spot cleaned with vinegar and baking soda before putting into the washing machine.

Did vikings smell?

Probably about just as much as any other person of that era. Remember that this was an age before running water, washing machines etc.

How do you clean silk sheets,should they be washed?

Silk sheets can be cleaned in the washing machine after hand washing them a few time before hand. It is important to use a mild detergent such as Charlie's Liquid Laundry Soap and let them air dry out of direct sunlight.

Where can one buy an integrated washing machine?

You can buy an integrated washing machine at any local appliance store. Sears, Home Depot, or Best Buy generally have really good deals on integrated washing machines so you would be able to look at it before you buy.

How was the laundry done in the 1800s?

The middle of the 19th century witnessed the appearance of the first mechanical washing machines. Typically a closed tub with wooden paddles (agitators, later made of metal) allowed laundresses to work in an upright position and not get their hands wet so much. Laundry was no longer the laborious and time-consuming ritual it had been in the past. The dirt and bad smells that accompanied overcrowding in the cities were less and less acceptable to people, and this led to steady scientific progress. But before washing machines were generally in use, large towns installed large public wash-houses or laundries. Thefixed tub with a hand-propelled rotating agitator was the forerunner of the rotating tub (gyrator) machine. The forerunner of the modern drum machine that extracts the water during a rapid spin cycle would not appear until into the 20th century. Laundry remained a ritual in the U.S. throughout the 19th century. A written testimony by a late-19th century author in Practical Housekeeping reads: "Laundry and cooking go hand in hand . . . On washing and ironing days, it is inadvisable to cook steak or fry fish, due to the smell. In addition, no spinach, split peas, green beans (which need stringing), or stewed apples [should be prepared] because these all take too long to prepare and time should be given to the laundry. More suitable dishes would be potatoes, pasta, rice and corn, with a dessert of baked apples with cream: Quick, easy and very tasty." Developments in laundry products didn't keep pace with the technological advances in washing machines: Until the end of the 19th century, people still washed their clothes with soap flakes. Synthetic detergents would not appear for another 10 to 20 years,during World War I.The milestones in the history of washing machines and dryers during the 18th and 19th centuries1797: Scrub boards.Early 1800s: First clothes dryers; hand-powered.1851: First, hand-powered, washing machine with a drum, invented by James King.1861: First clothes wringer added to the washing machine.1874: William Blackstone built his first hand-driven wooden washing machine. The company he founded still produces and sells washing machines to this day, out of their New York headquarters.1858: First rotary washing machine, invented by Hamilton Smith.

Are you Looking for Try Hand washing clothes in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman?

Try Hand Washing Clothes in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman When laundry day comes around, most washing machines offer a delicate or hand-wash setting, but there are times when the best results will come from hand-washing certain types of clothing. If you’re not sure how to hand-wash clothes, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn the different techniques to washing clothes by hand and what to look out for when working with different fabrics. Always check the care label for directions. If your garment features the hand wash symbol, follow our instructions below for cleaning clothes by hand. If the label says, “dry-clean only,” avoid washing it at home. If the label says “dry-clean,” you may want to try hand-washing clothes. Before you hand-wash the garment, check a small inconspicuous area first to make sure the fabric is colorfast. Contact us AMAL Professional Laundry Service Industrial Area 13, Behind Medpharma, Sharjah – UAE. Call: +971 6 559 0221 Mail: