

How far did the plauge spread?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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The Black plague spread from a country called Kyrgyzstan which is next to china, and traveled all the way to northern Europe (after spreading to the rest of Europe of course).It also traveled to south East Asia and china. Many geographers believe it traveled farther but there is no record of any cases in other countries

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Fleas on infected rats carried the bacteria from place to place. It spread from person to person from sneezing and coughing and any contact with an infected individual's bodily fluids.

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The Black Plague was believed to have spread from rats aboard trading ships landing in Sicily from Asia.

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the black plauge started in itally, then spread to the whole of europe, killing thousands were ever it went.

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Itvwas cOmmonly known as the black plauge or black death but it was really the bubonic plague and it staryed in Europe from fleas in 1347

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most of Europe, the tip of Africa and in the middle east

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