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There was no negotiation at first; both Nicholas Trist and General Winfield Scott approached Mexican negotiators as a conquered enemy.

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Q: How did the US aproach negotiation with Mexico in the USMexican war?
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Strenuous negotiation.

What is the opposite of negotiation?

The opposite of negotiation (compromise) would be dictation, or decision by Fiat. The opposite of negotiating could be conflict, fighting, quarreling, or war.

Could Mexico have avoided the war?

The Mexicans could have not opened up Texas or New Mexico for American settlement because these two acts greatly increased the American population that it soon outnumbered the actual Mexicans. This could have prevented the entire disputes over the annexation of Texas which was a primary reason Polk went into the war-- to get Texas as a state of the U.S.

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Roosevelt's negotiation with the Japanese resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905, which ended the Russo-Japanese War. This negotiation led to Roosevelt winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The negotiation with the Russians during the same time focused on maintaining a balance of power in Asia.

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I suppose a good negotiation process is centered on compromising and not entering a negotiation with a win/lose frame of will more than likely end up being a tug of war process leading to nowhere..

What role did Napoleon the third play in the battle of puebla?

He decided the breaking off of the negotiation with Mexican government and ordered the French army to advance towards Mexico City, starting the war. This led to the first battle of Puebla, which ended with the defeat of the invaders.

How did roosevelt deal with France during world War 2?

Through negotiation with the Vichy Government.

Who started the war in Mexico?

Which war? Mexico has had many wars throughout its past.

What is the significance of the War with Mexico?

Well the most famous war with Mexico was to get the land of what is now Texas. So if we didn't have that war with Mexico there would be no Texas.

What was the out come of then Mexico war?

Mexico lost.