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well... the shah of Iran had cancer so he had to go to the United States to get medical treatment for it. Plus the United stated did not want to be enemies with any leaders at the time. But that is really it

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The USN patrolled the Persian Gulf to keep the sea lanes open. The USS Stark suffered a missile hit during this time period, killing several US Sailors.

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Q: How did the US help the Shah of Iran?
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The cast of The Shah of Iran - 2015 includes: Ben Kingsley as The Shah

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Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran

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The effect that Reza Shah had on Iran is still controversial. His supporters say that he was the one who was responsible for modernizing the force for Iran by overthrowing the Qajar dynasty. However, the detractors blame him as being despotic which did not help the large peasant population.

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