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Q: How did the country and government change during the Russian revolution?
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What are some good creative titles for a Russian revolution story book?

"Echoes of Change: A Tale of the Russian Revolution" "Flames of Freedom: Stories from the Russian Revolution" "Revolving Fate: A Novel of the Russian Revolution" "Red Dawn: Fictional Accounts from the Russian Revolution"

Who led the rebels in the Russian revolution?

Vladimir Lenin led the rebel Bolshevik Party in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. There was no such leader in the February Revolution. That was a spontaneous unorganized mass demonstration that convinced the Tsar that he had to abdicate the throne.

Why was it a revolution?

Revolution is a turning, a change. Revolution tends to imply a change of government by force.

Was the Bolshevik Revolution a traditional revolution?

No, it was not a traditional revolution. A "traditional revolution" is one where the people of the country become dissatisfied with their existence, realize there is no hope that government will change it for the better and then overthrow that government. The Bolshevik Revolution was basically a military coup that seized power from the existing temporary government, the Provisional Government, and set itself up as the government despite the fact that not everyone wanted the Bolsheviks in power at all.

How did the Russian revolution change the course of the war.?

There were many changes that took place within the course of World War I following the Russian Revolution. One major change that this had on the war was that Russia and Germany settled their conflict.

How did the Russian Revolution change the course of the war?

There were many changes that took place within the course of World War I following the Russian Revolution. One major change that this had on the war was that Russia and Germany settled their conflict.

How did Russian revolution change the course of the war?

There were many changes that took place within the course of World War I following the Russian Revolution. One major change that this had on the war was that Russia and Germany settled their conflict.

How did lenin change marxism to fit the needs of Russian society and realities?

Lenin changed Marxism to fit the needs of Russian society and realities by changing Russia into a communist country and preventing any revolution from taking place.

What did Russian peasants workers and the middle class want from the government?

a change from the government

What revolution mean?

English Word "Revolution"revolution -1. turn (of something circular), as in 'this wheel has 800 revolutions per minute (rpm)'2. political change, upheaval, as in the French Revolution, the Russian RevolutionAt its simplest level it is change or a demand for change, or a change in manner or method.It means to change something completely, such as changing the government in a country in a dramatic way would be a revolution. Also, something that revolves around something else is said to be doing revolutions around it.French Word "Révolution"The correct spelling is revolution, and the meaning are the same ones as in Englishyou put get put

What is an example of a revolution?

A group of people overthrow the monarch of their country and set up a democratic government.

Why did the French revolution occur?

The French Revolution occurred because the people saw how effective the American Revolution was and they realized it was possible to change their government.