

How did the crusades affect the European Jews?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did the crusades affect the European Jews?
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How did The Crusades affect European's live?

They became indentured servants.

How did the crusaders affect Jews?

The Crusades encouraged religious fanaticism and gross intolerance. It was a very nasty version of 'Onward, Christian soldiers!' During the crusades,many thousands of Jews were unnecessarily slaughtered by the Christians and the Muslims, as they took no part in the crusades.

How did the crusades affect the European economy?

People depended on war for continued trade growth.

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how did the Crusades affect Europe?how did the Crusades affect Europe?

Who was in the Crusades?

Jews, Christians and Muslims were in the Crusades.

When were the Jewish crusades?

Jews never held crusades.

Why are crusades important?

The Crusades changed European life.

The crusades were fought between which two religious groups?

The Crusades were fought between Christian crusaders from European countries and various groups in the Middle East, primarily Muslim armies defending their territories.

What impact did the crusaders have on Jewish population of Europe?

The Crusades were rising hostility to the Jews. More and More Christians believed that all non-Christians were their enemy. On their way to Palestine, some Crusaders massacred European Jews and continued the killing in Palestine. After the Crusades, Jews were expelled from England in 1290 and from France in 1306 and again in 1394. Many of these Jews moved to eastern Europe. Many Crusaders who stayed in Palestine came to respect Muslims, but Cristian tolerance toward Jews continued.

How did the Crusades affect the growth of towns in Western Europe?

The Crusades affected EUROPEAN TOWNS/CITIES because fuedalism was broken from the crusades making the king losing his hiarcy and everyone was fighting over who should take over the throne and be the king.

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What does the document suggest how European Christians felt about fighting in the Crusades?

Who sent the European Christians to the middle east for the crusades?

Crusades were decreed by Popes.