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it allowed people to stay in one place so therefor they could start a civilization and not be nomads

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Q: How did the development of agriculture changed Stone Age society?
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True of False Animals didn't contribute to the development of agriculture during the stone age?

It is False that animals didn't contribute to the development of agriculture during to stone age, because animals helped the people of the Stone Age to do daily chores, For Example Ox would help plow gardens and farms.

How long did the new stone age last?

The Neolithic, or New Stone Age, lasted around 6,000 to 2,000 BCE. This period is characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the use of polished stone tools. It marked a significant shift in human society and laid the foundation for settled communities and the beginnings of civilization.

How did specialization develop during the stone age?

Specialization in the Stone Age developed as hunter-gatherer societies began to allocate specific tasks based on individual strengths. Some individuals became skilled in hunting, while others focused on gathering, tool-making, or child-rearing. This division of labor helped improve efficiency and productivity within these early societies.

When was agriculture discovered?

Agriculture is estimated to have been discovered around 10,000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent region, which encompassed present-day parts of the Middle East. This discovery marked a significant shift from hunting and gathering to settled farming practices.

Why computers is the technology that contribute to the development of society?

All technologies have contributed to the development of society. It doesn't mater if they were stone tools, bronze swords, steel axes, tall sailing ships, pipe organs, or computers.

What does the term Neolithic mean?

Anthropology. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the last phase of the Stone Age, marked by the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, and the manufacture of pottery and textiles

What was the most important development during the stone age?

The most important development during the Stone Age was the invention of tools and weapons made of stone, such as hand axes and spear points. This marked a significant advancement in human evolution as it enabled early humans to hunt, gather food more efficiently, and protect themselves, leading to improved survival and expansion as a species.

What marked the beginning of the Stone Age?


What invention marked the beginning of the stone age?


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What was the most important development made during the stone age?

One of the most important developments in the Stone Age was the discovery and use of fire by early humans. This allowed for warmth, cooking food, protection from predators, and the ability to work with some materials like clay. Fire also played a crucial role in the cultural and social development of human societies during this time.

How did the developed of agriculture change the way of life between the old and new stone age?

The development of agriculture during the Neolithic period (New Stone Age) brought about significant changes in human society. People began to settle in permanent villages, instead of constantly moving in search of food. They started cultivating crops and domesticating animals, leading to a more stable and predictable food supply. This allowed for the growth of larger communities, the development of specialized occupations, and the emergence of complex social and economic systems.