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Q: How did the geography of Mesoamerica help lead to the development of more complex societies?
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What happened as a result of the development of agricultural societies that used to rely on hunting and gathering?

The development of agricultural societies led to increased food production, sedentary lifestyles, population growth, social stratification, and the rise of complex societies and civilizations. It also resulted in the domestication of plants and animals, the establishment of permanent settlements, and the development of specialized labor roles.

What role did Monte Albán play in the development of cities in Mesoamerica?

Monte Albán was a major city in the Oaxaca Valley and one of the earliest urban centers in Mesoamerica. It served as a political and economic hub for the region, influencing the development of other cities around it through its architecture, religious practices, and complex social structure. Monte Albán's strategic location and monumental buildings demonstrate its importance in shaping urban planning and social organization in Mesoamerica.

According to Diamond how does religion evolve along with increasingly complex societies?

Diamond argues that religion evolves in parallel with increasingly complex societies because it serves important functions such as providing a moral code, promoting social cohesion, and explaining the natural world. As societies become more complex, religion adapts to meet changing societal needs and challenges, leading to the development of organized belief systems and institutions.

How were the Mayan and Olmec societies alike?

The Mayan and Olmec societies were alike in that they both developed advanced civilizations in Mesoamerica, with sophisticated artistic, architectural, and writing systems. Both societies relied on agriculture and had complex social structures with rulers, priests, and warriors. They also shared religious beliefs and practices, such as ceremonial rituals and the worship of deities associated with nature.

What enabled the transformation from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies?

The development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago enabled the transformation from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies. Agriculture allowed for a more reliable and plentiful food supply, leading to settlements and the growth of more complex societies.

The development of complex societies in the Americas was first made possible by what?

the choices are: a)the development of agriculture b)the use of slave labor c)an extensive trade network d)the arrival of the europeans

How did societies develop?

Societies developed through a combination of factors, including the development of agriculture, the formation of social hierarchies, the establishment of laws and governance, and the emergence of specialized economic activities. Over time, societies evolved from small nomadic groups into settled communities, leading to the development of complex civilizations with organized institutions and cultural practices.

How complex were the early societies of Mesoamerica?

Many of the early societies in Mesoamerica varied in their complexities. In what is now the southwestern United States, the dry, hostile environment produced survival problems and the societies were not as complex as the ones in what is southeastern Mexico as one example. In the American southwest the so-called Desert tradition evolved. This included southern California as well as the the latter area. The major solutions posed to survival itself precluded advanced development. A subsistence pattern developed. For archaeologists, there was one advantage for their explorations. Unlike the wet, humid areas of the Yucatan peninsula, the American southwest's dry climate preserved many artifacts from the Native Tribes civilizations.

What is a feature that separates Neolithic societies for Paleolithic societies?

One key feature that separates Neolithic societies from Paleolithic societies is the development of agriculture. Neolithic societies practiced agriculture, leading to settled communities, increased food production, and the emergence of more complex social structures compared to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of Paleolithic societies.