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ThEy TrAdEd CrOpS LiKe ToBaCcO, BuIlT BoAtS AnD MiNeD FoR IrOn

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10y ago

by fishing, working, and making new laws

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Q: How did people in colonial New Jersey make money?
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How did the people of colonial South Carolina make money?

They made money by farming tobacco.

How did the people in New Jersey make money?

they stole from Bank of America

How much money did a colonial gunsmith make in?

how much money did a colonial gunsmith make

What ways did people in colonial new jersey make a living?

They would farm and harvest corn or catch clams or fish.

How did the people of colonial New Hampshire make money?

Agriculture potatoes, fishing, Manufacturing textiles, and shipbuilding

How much money can you make in New Jersey?

That depends entirely on what you do. Some people make lots, some make a very little.

What did men do in colonial Pennsylvania to make money?

make whiskey

How did colonial baking help the economy back then?

Colonial baking helped make money

In colonial Connecticut how people make money?

they would get a job, they had a boss, the boss gave them money after they did their job. Also a dragon ate a unicorn,in a few days.

How and why did England regulated the colonial trade?

To make more money

How does a colonial miller make money?

By milling grain into flour.

How did each colonial region make money?

By simply working in plantations .