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Q: How did the role of the president change during the cold war?
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What president played the key role in ending the cold war?

John Addams ended the cold war.

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Lenin didn't do anything during the cold war. The Cold War started after WWII and Lenin died before that in 1924.

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If you are asking about the civil war he was the president of the confederacy.

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Trusts changed during President Theodore Roosevelt's presidency. It was called Roosevelt's Square Deal policy and it attempted to balance trusts and public control.

When did Warren G. Harding end his role of president?

President Harding died of a heart attack during his third year in office.

How did Canada play a role in the international organizations during the cold era?

because they need to keep the world safe during this time

How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt change the role of the presidency in American history?

He signed a law that limited the number of terms a president can have to 2

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Paraguay was nominally a US ally, although it never played any significant role in the Cold War.

What role does the outgoing commander assume during a change of command?

Local Commander

What was the role of Turkmenistan during the cold war 1945-1991?

i have asked this question..... if i knew the answer i would't have asked it....

What is the role of the president in the senate?

He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.