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Lenin didn't do anything during the cold war. The Cold War started after WWII and Lenin died before that in 1924.

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Q: What is Vladimir Lenin important role during the cold war?
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Did Lenin lead the USSR in the cold war?

No, Lenin had died in 1924 and the Cold War did not begin till after WWII.

Communist leader of the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin during WW2 and Vladimir Ivashko during the Cold War. Actually no. Lenin began the regime and Stalin took over when he died. Stalin was murdered and Nikita Krushchev was his sucessor. Leonid Breshnev was next and Mikail Gorbachev was part of the fall of the USSR. Ivashko was one of Gorbachev's official.

Why was Berlin important during the cold war?

cause it was

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He never lived to see the cold war.

How did Vladimir Lenin approach the idea of Karl Marx that communism requires a change in human nature?

Leninism states that the change in human nature to create communism is facilitated by education. Lenin wrote that the primary educational instrument must be what he termed " force of example". Lenin believed that this would be necessary in a situation where the masses either from habit or force of tradition were stubborn and retained outmoded methods of production. Lenin suggested that the Party cold overcome this by a method of moral persuasion. If that failed to work, it should be backed up by coercive persuasion.

Who was the USSR leader during cold war?

Joseph Stallin, Veladimir Putin and Gorbachof were the famous Russian leaders during cold war. Joseph Stalin was the dictator until 1953 when he died, and then Nikita Khrushchev was the new dictator. but they also had a provisional government setup and then replaced with bolsheviks, then also the czar and vladimir lenin ruled sometime around the cold war. Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khruschev, Leonid Breznev, Constantine Chernyenko and, until the Soviet Unions' dissolution that is from 1985 til 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev. Those spellings might not be accurate but that is the list

What movie was about a woman going out of coma after end of cold war?

Goodbye Lenin

Why was joesph Stalin an important person during the cold war?

He was important because he was the leader of Soviet Russia

Was Canada an important ally to the US during the Cold War?

Yes ma'an

What important events happened during the Cold War between 1952 to 1953?

The Korean war

Is Joseph Stalin the most important?

He was more important than Vladimir Lenin in my opinion, but this is an opinional question. Stalin led the USSR ultimately to victory after being invaded in WW2. He successfully kept the country without rebellion or revolt from 1924 to 1953. In April 1929, Stalin implemented the first of the "5 Years Plan" which successfully industrialized the USSR. Stalin also started the Cold War and greatly increased USSR military power and took on half the German Army, with the Allies all together taking on the other half.

Did any important events happen when Nixon was president?

Yes, the cold war ended during his campaign.