

How did white people become white?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Because when God dispersed mankind all around the world they spread to parts where there was very little sunlight.

Over time, Caucasians skin produced less melanin, and so although originally black, they became whiter and lighter skinned.

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11y ago
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11y ago

First there was a mutation...

Lighter pigmentation is an advantage in the production of vitamin D which may have had an effect on the success of humans at higher latitudes...or perhaps, variations in skin color in small populations was fixed into lighter colors by genetic drift...or characteristics were selected as being attractive by indigenous populations and individuals who did not meet the "attractive" criteria immigrated North. Lighter skinned individuals may have travelled north because lack of pigmentation was detrimental to life along the equator.

Any combination of the above.

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