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The transmitter needs a audio cable run from the trans. input to the TVs audio line out connectors

A diagram for this should be in the packaging.

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Q: How do I hook up a Radio Shack wireless headset with infrared transmitter to my new TV?
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Can I buy a wireless stereo transmitter at Radio Shack?

Currently radio shack offers several wireless stereo transmitters. If you go to their website and search "wireless stereo transmitter" you will get several results.

What are some examples of RF technology?

Radio Frequency is a wireless technology consisting of a transmitter and receiver tuned to the same frequency

How does a wireless transmitter work?

A wireless transmitter is made up of magnets which dispatch a magnetic field that continually flips polarity back and forth, thus creating a radio wave which transmits.

Infrared transmitter receiver?

If you want to experiment with these, your local Radio Shack should have IR transmitters and receivers in stock.

Can you connect a droid 2 to a car radio?

Yes. Get a Belkin wireless transmitter from Walmart for about $30.

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The x rocker 2.1 gaming chair has built-in radio wireless receiver and included wireless transmitter.

What device picks up radio waves?

I believe that would be a wireless router.They transmit data from your computer to a radio wave transmitter and from there to a radio receiver in a wireless card either built in to a motherboard or to an external wireless card. Which the computer translates back into electrical impulses. and finally process's the information.And yes that is a lot of information but some people want a lot of informationa transceivertransceivera transceiver

What came first radio or radio transmitter?

radio transmitter

What uses radio waves or infrared light instead of cables or wires to connect computers or other devices?

Wireless Networks

What is a wireless FM transmitter used for?

A wireless FM transmitter is used to play music files through ones FM radio through wireless connectivity. One can hook up their device and as long as it is set within the proximity of the FM transmission, it will be able to play the music.

What are the equipment used in radio transmitting?

A mic or other audio source, a transmitter and an antenna. Wireless mics are complete FM radio stations.

How the bluetooth internally used in mobile?

It is a radio transmitter and receiver set to receive a connection from wireless devices such as keyboards and headsets.