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they threaten others

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Q: How do aggressive communicators usually express themselves?
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Usually, people write songs to express themselves and their own personal feelings. It is not a rule that you have to be in love to write a love song. It's just, usually people do it to express themselves and what they feel about being in love, dumped, turned down, or just having butterflies in a relationship. It certainly helps if one has experienced love for the lyrics to have honesty.

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No. Wombats are generally non-aggressive marsupials, and will not usually attack without provocation. They will, however, defend themselves against a potential aggressor.

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Not usually, only if provoked

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usually where you have dictatorship in countries is where you have limited expression of religion and worship. Latin America is free to to express far

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The audience of a diary entry is usually the writer themselves. It is a personal space where individuals express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without the expectation of sharing it with others.