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[by factors but that is nit all even cows produce air pollution still that is not all to find go to Google and type in air polltion lol and spell WHAT right and why did you stell my boyfriend yo egg

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Q: How do air pollutants combine and contribute air pollution?
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Air pollution air pollutants combine and contribute to this issue?

Smog. Asthma. Damage to plants. Ozone.

Substances discharged into the air are called what?

A substance discharged into the air

What are the air pollutants that contribute to the ozone depletion?

The various CFC's and the H CFC's are the ones which contribute maximum to the ozone depletion.

What types of pollution are there?

Secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are pollutants caused by man. Which consider smog, chemical pollution,ect.. Primary pollutants. primary pollutants are pollutants that are caused by nature. Volcano's eruptions etc. pollution can be caused in the air water sound and any where in the environment

How is ozone layer releted to air pollution?

Ozone layer is related to air pollution. It causes pollutants in the air.

Types of environment pollution?

Pollutants are energy or substances that have adverse or undesired effects when introduced into the environment. In nature, pollutants include stock pollutants and notable pollutants.

Does England still have air pollution?

England does still have air pollution. This is because there are still factories that still have pollutants that are released into the air.

Does air pollution cause cancer?

Some air pollutants in the air are known as dangerous carcinogens. So, it is possible that air pollution can cause cancer.

What is caused by pollutants that combine with water and air?

The kind of acid that is caused by pollutants that combine with water in the air is called acid rain. There are many chemicals in acid rain that are harmful to the environment.

What is primary pollution?

Pollution is any foreign substance present in more concentration than safer limits. They are two types of pollutants 1. Primary pollutants 2. Secondary pollutants Primary pollutants are those which generated directly from Source . That type of pollution is generally termed as primary pollution. Ex : Carbondioxide , Sulphur dioxide etc in case of Air pollution Secondary pollutants are those which formed by the combination of more than two or more primary pollutants Ex : Ozone , Photo chemical smog in case of air pollution

How does air pollution contribute to water pollution?

air evaporates and pollution causes acid rain!

How do culture practices contribute to air pollution?

by making a fire , they make smoke which pollutes the air , that how culture practices contribute to air pollution