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As matter nears and crosses the event horizon, it is violently torn apart. This causes the release of huge amounts of radiation and particles from just outside of the event horizon. This is one reason why the swallowing of a star by a large black hole is so catastrophic; unimaginable amounts of radiation and particles are released.

Note that the matter is ejected outside the black hole - to be more precise, outside the event horizon, which is the "point of no return".

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Q: How do black holes eject matter if they are so massive nothing can escape their gravitational pull?
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The gravity of a black hole is so strong that nothing not even light can escape it-How then did all matter in the universe escape the singularity of the big bang-an infinitesmal point?

The matter didn't have much choice -- the space that is our Universe began to expand, driven by something greater than gravity, and took the matter within it along for the "ride." At present, scientists do not know why space began to expand, any more than they understand why there is lightning in the sky. They are working on both questions.

Why does it say in Pokemon 'can't Escape'?

It says this because the poke'mon your using is a lower level than the one you are figting. To escape all you have to do is switch out youre current poke'mon. For a one that is a higher level than the poke,mon you are fighting but in a tranier battle you cant escape no matter what you do. I hope this helped!

What's the dark matter in the universe?

Dark matter is matter of an unknown type. It is known to exist, due to its gravitational influence, but it is not known what it is made of. There is at least 5 times as much dark matter than "normal" matter.

What event may trigger new star formation in a spiral arm?

If an interstellar cloud is massive enough that the gas pressure is insufficient to support it, the cloud will undergo gravitational collapse. The mass above which a cloud will undergo such collapse is called the Jeans mass. The Jeans mass depends on the temperature and density of the cloud, but is typically thousands to tens of thousands of solar masses. In so-called triggered star formation, one of several events might occur to compress a molecular cloud and initiate its gravitational collapse. Molecular clouds may collide with each other, or a nearby supernova explosion can be a trigger, sending shocked matter into the cloud at very high speeds. Finally, galactic collisions can trigger massive starbursts of star formation as the gas clouds in each galaxy are compressed and agitated by tidal forces.

How did neutron stars get its name?

The name "neutron star" some from the fact that the neutron star is mainly composed of neutrons. The gravitational pull of a neutron star is so strong that most matter are crushed into neutrons.

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What country uses the gravitational system?

All do, and it's not a matter of choice. There's no way to escape the gravitational system, anywhwere.

Do less massive planets have less gravitational force?

Gravity is the pull from matter. Less matter means less gravity, so yes.

What is a blak holes pull called?

a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.

What is a single point where all matter from an extremely massive neutron star has condensed and from which no light can escape?

Black hole

What star is the densest object known?

The most dense thing known is dark matter but it has not been proven to exist but it is said to be in black hole and the reason a black hole sucks you in is because it is very dense an object with that density has a very strong gravitational pull

Are black holes mass heavier than your sun?

Black holes suck in everything around it for billions of miles, all of that matter is compressed into something smaller than a tennis ball. If you could calculate its weight, it would way many times the weight of our sun!

Why does jupiter have a stronger pull than earth?

Gravitational attraction is a result of the amount of matter there is in an object. The more mass the greater the gravitational attraction. Jupiter has far more mass than the earth hence a greater gravitational attraction.

Why is locating black hole difficult?

Black holes are hard to find as they are invisible. This is because the escape velocity is faster than the speed of light. The escape velocity is the speed required to escape a black hole, if it is faster than light, the light can not escape therefore making them invisible. Hope this helps....

Does gravitational lensing require dark matter?

No. All objects with gravity, and thus all objects with mass produce gravitational lensing. This effect only becomes noticeable around objects where a very large amount of matter is compacted into a small area. Black holes are the go-to example. Most black holes are the remnants of collapsed stars and so do not involve dark matter. The role of dark matter in gravitational lensing occurs around some massive galaxies. In some parts of the universe dark matter increases the masses of galaxies to many times what they would be if they consisted only of "ordinary" matter, which allows the to cause very distinct gravitational lensing.

Could the universe have started as a black hole that exploded?

No, because (by definition), a black hole is so dense, causing a gravitational so strong, that no matter can escape from it. In other words, no matter can possibly explode out of a black hole. No matter how strong is the internal pressure of the matter within the black hole, the gravitational pull is stronger. Asking, "Can a black hole explode?" is like asking, "Can I blow up Fort Knox with a one centimer, gunpowder fire-cracker?"

Does light or mass change into dark light or dark mass as it approaches a strong gravitational force such as a super massive black hole?

It is not believed to be, but there is still very little known about dark matter, so maybe,

What hold dark matter?

Better syntax would help me understand your question better and therefore give a better answer.Dark matter is theorized to exist throughout the universe. Nothing really "holds" it other than its gravitational attraction to all other mass.In another sense, nothing CAN hold dark matter, because the only way it interacts with normal matter is through the gravitational force. You can't just put it in a bottle and expect it to stay there, because it doesn't interact (or interacts only very, very weakly) with normal matter, so it will slip right through.