

How do cats show affection?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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a cat may show you affection by purring when you stroke him/her or rubbing around your legs- by doing this they are saying "You're mine now." It's like marking out family.

It may seem horrible when a cat brings you dead animals, but this is their way of showing that they are trying to impress and fend for you.

If a cat looks at you then slowly closes or squints their eyes it shows that they love you. If a cat exposes it's belly to you it shows that they trust you.

A cat's tail may also quiver with happiness- they're pleases to see you.

A cat may follow you or become distressed when you leave.

These are all signs of cat affection.

sources: interested in cats and aspiring to become a vet.

Hope I Helped for all you cat-lovers out there!

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