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Q: How do coughing and sneezing protect the respiratory system in a healthy body?
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How do coughing and sneezing protect the respiratory?


How do coughing and sneezing protect the respiratory system?


How does sneezing and coughing protect the body from viruses?

They help to expel the viruses caught in the respiratory mucus.

How does coughing protect the respiratory system?

It protects our Respiratory System because it helps to remove or exhale the dirt that entered in our body.

Do you have to be sneezing to get Swine Flu?

No,but if someone else sneezes near you without covering their mouth and nose, you may catch it from their sneeze. Or if you are sneezing you could give it to others the same way.Flu viruses spread through respiratory droplets that are released with coughs and sneezes, so always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing and then throw the tissue away.(See the related questions below for more information abouthow flu viruses are spread and how to protect yourself from them.)

How do coughing and sneezing protect your respiratory system?

Sneezing is actually caused by irritations in the nose, when you sneeze air goes very fast, normally getting rid of the irritation. These irritations can be caused by dust or other such things. Most dust or irritations don't get into your nose though, because of the tiny hairs that protect your inner nostrils. Coughing is a involuntary thing, it is caused by the brain trying to clear the body's airways, people cough more these days, normally from the more pollution in the air, like cigarette smoke, car exhaust and other such things.

What will you do to protect your respiratory system from common ailments?

To protect my respiratory system i will not smoke to prevent chronic bronchitis, emphysema and even lung cancer. in this way i can protect my respiratory system. some ailments in our respiratory system are chronic bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer which is very dangerous

What are 4 defenses the human body have to protect you from diseases?

It could be that our defenses white blood cells and our body makes it own pertection plus if we want a boost we can get vitamins to boost our immune sytem

How can you protect ourselves from diseases?

We can protect ourselves from diseases by taking some precautions -If someone is coughing or sneezing you should stay away from him/her.In case you're having fever or cough ,stay away from other people so that others may not catch it.Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing and also when you come from somewhere.Always stay clean and tidy . An untidy room or area is hazardous to health.Have a healthy diet and stay safe.

How does the respiratory system protect us?

mocos, cilia,

How does mucus protect respiratory?

It keeps respiratory tract as well as lungs away from friction and provide smoothness to the pleural cavity.

How can you protect your heart?

Eat healthy