

What type of bee mates with the queen?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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the queen leaves the hive ONCE to mate. she can fly up to a mile to find a drone (male honey bee). when they meet she does a dance and the drone injects her with sperm. once the process is complete she flies away leaving the dead drone carcass.

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13y ago
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13y ago

No. Queen bees mate with the drones, who are male. The have no other function than to fertilize the queen, and continue to live in the hive until winter approaches. When it is "Out!"

Worker bees are all sterile females and so queens cannot mate with them.

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12y ago

Queen bees mate with 12 to 15 drones (male bees) at the beginning of their lives over a period of days sometimes, until they are fully mated (ie they have enough sperm to fill their spermatheca which is where the sperm is held). Once they are fully mated and their spermatheca is full, they will not need to mate again for the rest of their lives.

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13y ago

it mates with a drone (male ant) from another nest

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13y ago

Only a queen bee reproduces young, she mates with drones to make eggs.

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14y ago

Male bees are called drones. The queen mates with up to 20 drones on her mating flight about a week after she emerges from the pupal cell.

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Male bees are called drones. The queen mates with up to 20 drones on her only mating flight about a week after she emerges from the pupal cell.

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No. The drone dies during the act of mating, but not because the queen kills him.

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what type of queen?

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Do honey bee are asexual or sexual reproduction?

Bees don't reproduce asexually. The queen is the only reproductive female in the colony. She is mated by one or more males throughout her life span, and thus lays fertilized eggs which turn into drones.

How many bee's are in a bee hive?

The number of bees in a hive varies through the year. At the end of winter there will probably be around 10,000 bees, but in mid-summer there could be around 60,000 bees.

What is the queen bees life cycle?

Stages in queen bee's life cycle: * Open cell: + Egg: 3 days + Larva (4moults): 5 days *Sealed cell: + Larva / Pro-pupa (1 moult): 2 days + Pupa(1 moult): 6 days * From egg to emergence: 16 days * After emergence: + Summer bee: c. 3 years + Winter bee: ditto Functions of the queen: * Day 1: On hatching, may kill sealed queens (may swarm). * Day 3 - 5: Orientation flights. * Week 1 - 3: Mating flights. * Year 3 - 5: + Start laying 2 - 4 days after mating. + Produce pheromones (chemical messengers) that inform the colony of her presence and inhibits queen raising. + If the queen dies (or is removed) or is old, the workers can produce queen from fertilized eggs. + Queens are produced when the colony swarms.

Do bees die when they sting you?

Some species of bee, such as the honey bee, will die after stinging a person as the stinger is barbed and is torn from their adomen in the process of stinging you. However not all species of bee have a barbed stinger and may be able to sting you repeatedly and live.

How does bee help flower reproduction?

bee or the wind moves the pollen to the pistol

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Does queen bee have a husband?

Before it mates the queen bee has wings, but when it mates the wings fall off. The bee it has mated with flies away to never be seen or dies.

Which non-working stingless bee mates with the queen?

a drone

Do queen bees kill their mates?

Queen bees do not kill their mates. Generally, a potential queen bee will mate with 12 to 15 drone males before beginning to lay eggs.

How often does a queen mate?

A queen bee typically mates once in her lifetime during a mating flight where she mates with multiple drones. This single mating session provides enough sperm for the queen to lay eggs for the rest of her life, which can last several years.

What does the drone bee do?

The drone bee mates with the queen. In the hot summers they may also help in the "hive ventilation" process. They are not capable in doing any others jobs.

What not-working stingless bee mates with the queen?

Queens and all worker bees are female. The males are called drones -- and they don't have a sting.

What is a QB?

A quarter back, queen bee, and a type of wine.

How do bees make more bees?

the queen mates with some bees and gives birth to lots of mini bee babies LOL XD

What is a male bee called?

A male bee is called a drone.

What is a Queen bee called?

just a queen bee

How the female bee finds the the male bee whom she mates with?

actually, it's the other way around. what happens is quite simple really. the queen bee, who is the only bee that mates and is the mother of the hive, goes on what is called a mating flight and flies out of the hive and begins to fly around. the male bees, which are known as drones, then fly out of their hives and go to where the queen is at and begin to mate with her while flying high up in the air. the queen only needs to mate 5 or 6 times, although she can mate 10 to 12 times. after mating, the male dies. the queen then returns to her hive and stays there, for the most part, for the rest of her life.

What do the drones do?

The drone bee mates with the queen. In the hot summers they may also help in the "hive ventilation" process. They are not capable in doing any others jobs.