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Scientific data is reproducible and constant, it's in essence everything we know about the mechanics of the planet and the universe. Religion is a conjecture that isn't measurably reproducible, and therefore unreliable. To answer your question, science helps us understand religion by showing us it's illogical to believe.

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Q: How do science and technology helps us to understand religion?
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How does science and technology affect your daily life?

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technology is important to science, because it helps the numbers in science come out more accurate and easier.

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How can science benefit you?

As a society science allows the technology that we use everyday. For an individual, learning science helps them to understand the world we live in. It teaches you think critically and question what other people tell you. And of course if you want a career in research you need to study relevent science.

Are science and technology close friends?

Very. Science is good stuff. Technology is applied science. == Technology makes science advance, and scientific research helps find new technology. It seems they advance hand in hand. Technology is the key to advances in science, which turns around and applies new science to create new technologies.

Why does religious education matter?

religious education it helps you to understand religion .understanding all religion helps you understand and bring you closer to your own helps you to respect other religious different from yours.

What is importance of science?

Science is the means to understand our surroundings. It helps us to learn about all the other creatures that live with us on Earth and in the universe. Basically, it helps us understand how and why things work.

What is the importance of science?

Science is the means to understand our surroundings. It helps us to learn about all the other creatures that live with us on Earth and in the universe. Basically, it helps us understand how and why things work.