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Most of the time, whether or not you cheat depends on what kind of person you are. Often if you get into the discussion about cheating with a male you'll get to know what kind of mindset they're in. Personally, I find the males that don't cheat are ones with strong morals, ones that really love you and/or ones that have been cheated on before and know how much it hurts. Its all about finding the right guy... or the right kind of guy.

If you're already in a relationship than its a bit harder. You can do a few things, but these aren't foolproof and if he's a cheater, than chances are he'll still cheat. You shouldn't be threatening like 'If you cheat I'll cut your....' because then he just wont tell you that he's cheated, just let him know non-threateningly that it would hurt you so much if he ever did. Also, you need to make sure he knows you love him. Have you ever been in a relationship where you've felt like seeking affection from another guy because you aren't getting affection from yours?... Guys are the same, if they're not fufilled they may be tempted to wander, and if he's your golden mr right than he shouldn't, but you don't want to temp him to cheat... or even leave you for someone who he knows feels strongly for him.

Humans are sexual, this will sound horrible, but you don't want to make him feel inadequite about his sexuality and if you're in a sexual relationship than maybe you're going to have to help him out with a little bit of sexual relief every know and again, so you're not sending him out as a loaded canon with instincts to plant his sperm in the nearest woman. If you're not having intercourse for reasons, than maybe oral sex, or even just using your hands can help. You've got your hands tied a bit here if you're religious though, but if you aren't up for anything sexual, just make sure he knows how you feel about him.

Try to go with him places, if he wants you to come to his Christmas party at work, than go. Don't go 'I hate meeting new people, go buy yourself', you know how you'd feel if your partner refused to go and you had to go dateless. You might get to talking to the other person in the room whose partner refused to come and one thing might lead to another.

You can always make sure he doesn't cheat, by going everywhere with him, living with him, working in the same place as him and/or always making sure you know exaclty where he is and when he's not at work he's with you. I wouldn't go for this option because you don't want to make him think like you don't trust him and smother him at the same time.

The most important thing is trust. You need to trust him and keep him happy at home and he'll have no reason to wander. But keep in mind, that if he's a cheater already, than chances are you might not be able to change him. Even guys who are changing for the better have relapses, so unless you're ready to have your heart stomped on you need to realise when some guys are a lost cause.

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