

How do you cook artichokes?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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This is the way I usually cook my artichokes. In a bowl, combine 1 cup olive oil and lemon juice. Working with 1 artichoke at a time, trim off the tough green outer leaves until you see the tender yellow leaves. Using a paring knife, trim off about 1 inch from the top until the center is visible. Cut away the stem and dark green exterior. Cut the artichoke in half lengthwise and scoop out the furry choke from the center and add the artichoke halves to the bowl. In a large soup pot over medium heat, warm enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pot. Bring to a simmer and cook until the artichokes are tender when pierced with a fork, 18 to 20 minutes.

An alternative would be to trim the outer, tough dark green leaves, trim about a half-inch from the top to eliminate most of the thorns/stickers, as well as the bottom of the stem, which can be tough. Then steam, either in a steamer or pressure cooker (my favorite method) until the leaves are tender enough to fall off with gentle pressure.

One simmering pot method (medium to large chokes): 1st cut the tops off of the chokes and most of the stem. Trimming the top allows spices to get into the choke. Removing the stems allows setting of the choke in an upright position.

Get a pot big and tall enough to hold and cover the chokes when its lid is on. Place a colander of sort to lift the chokes off from the bottom of the pan. If the chokes are touching the bottom of the pan the heart will over cook. If the stem is to be left on then the pot will have to be taller and the colander will have to have holes for the stems to come through.

Place the chokes into the pot being sure they are raised and won't fall over when the water is added. Sprinkle on salt, oregano, granulated garlic and Parmesan cheese. Remember a little oregano goes a long way and can bitter the choke. You may want to mince up some garlic and add to the top of the choke, I do. Spicing up the water can be considered by adding a bay leaf or perhaps you got another idea in mind.

Next, add water to the pot to the point that the choke will want to begin to float. Add some olive oil to the water, just a teaspoon should do. Set atop of the burner, place the lid and turn up the heat. When the water begins to boil reduce the flame to low and wait and see if the water still is boiling slightly. It may need be turned up ever so slightly. Let simmer for 1 hour. More chokes may require increased time of up to 30 minutes more.

The very outer lower petals are usually not very good and are not a good iindicator of a properly cooked choke. Pull a petal more toward the inside if you wish to test for being done. Enjoy!

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11y ago
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12y ago

Ah, s**t you just put peppa in that b***h, fire dat b***h on da f****n stove ya know, put spice in that s**t. F**K A D**K!

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