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I am new at this but my guess would be to go to the police what he is doing is what I would consider stalking.

AnswerMy first instinct is to tell you what my mother told me a long time ago. "DENY,DENY,DENY"!

It could work, BUT probably wont. First, Id alert the authorities. Dont be embarassed about it, because at one time or another, we have all done something we regret doing, or information weve given. If you've talked over the phone with him, get your number(s) changed. IF he sends something to you, do NOT accept it. If you've chatted with him on one of the messengers, let the service know about it. I know alot of times, Ive heard of this stuff happening, some have said, MOVE, but we know that's not possible.

Go back in your chats, and get every ounce of info on him, give it to the police, and keep it handy. After you've done all that. Change your name on your messengers, and only give it to those you know and trust. Another safety, is don't post your picture, makes it a bit harder for him to find you.

One last thing. If you can get a friend to stay with you, say on and off for a while, that would be great, they can answer your door, or phone for that matter. I know hiding isn't always the best way to handle things. But when you deal with anyone who wont let go, you have to do what you have to do. Good luck...please, let us know how you've made out on this.


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Q: How do you end an online relationship with a man who simply won't allow it because he has personal information and has threatened to use it and the humiliation you would suffer is unbearable?
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