

How do you gain enough courage to hit someone?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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You allow your anger t take hold and throw your fist at them

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Q: How do you gain enough courage to hit someone?
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If your liability insurance is not enough to cover the damages, you will probably be sued by person you hit or his representative for the rest of the damage.

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In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry thought the lieutenant who hit him with a sword was a brute.

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A bruise is the result of breaking small blood vessels in the flesh. If you hit someone hard enough, just about anywhere will leave a bruise. I'm hoping you're just curious... hitting someone hard enough to cause a bruise can result in serious injury or even death in some cases, so you shouldn't do it.

When someone hit you in the breasts what happens?

Here's a better version of that answer... Even pressing down on them hurts but not enough to make a face about it. But getting hit hurts! It's like someone pinched you really hard for a long time over a large surface. Getting hit in the nuts hurts way more, though, from the reactions I see from my brother xD Yet, if the breasts are hit hard enough, the pain can make a girl double over.

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No, unless the hit was hard enough to loosen electrical connections.

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