

How do you get a car refinanced?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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9y ago

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Here are the steps you will typically take to refinance a car

  1. Start researching where you may be able get the best auto refinance loan.
  2. Once you choose a lender, you’ll need to provide your financial information to qualify for the loan. This information may include your income, assets, debt load, credit history, and other information they lender needs to help qualify you.
  3. You will have to pay any fees, which may include lien holder fees, state re-registration fees, and possible pre-payment fees
  4. Upon approval and closing, your new lender pays off your current car loan.
  5. The car’s title is transferred to the new lender.
  6. You begin making your monthly payments to your new lender.
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In the state of California, Yes.

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The loan must be paid off and refinanced in the primary borrower's name.

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If you refinance a car another down payment is usually not required. I refinanced a car to lower to payments and it added another year to the payoff date of the car. I wasn't required to give a down payment.

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Any title holder must relinquish ownership by signing the title release

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The loan has to be refinanced without the cosigner being involved.

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If you are paying for your car that's in your dad's name is it possible to trade it in or have it refinanced in your name only?

Basically, you would just buy the car from Dad and go out and get a new loan. Find out what car dealers don't want you to know at