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What I do is i put some lotion on it, and then dont itch it! haha, but if you need too, then I would scratch in (like rub it) on the couch or something. I hope this kinda helps. . . Also ask your parents, they will tell you some stuff to do. (:
Rub one drop of ammonia into your skin where the bite is. Follow this with a drop of cortisone ointment rubbed in well. In less than an hour, you won't even be able to find where the bite was, much less feel it.
first things first,NEVER scratch it.yes,it's tempting,and yet very itchy.It's okay to lightly scratch but it will only get worse,no you won't die or get any serious injuries but you don't wanna end up with many scars like me.
When you got bitten by a mosquito, gently wash the bite area with water and soap, pat it dry instead of rubbing, keep it clean, (the almost impossible one) try NOT to scratch!

Then simply run hot water, as warm as you can stand, over the bite area for a few seconds, or use a hot washcloth. This will relieve the itching for many hours. The water should be quite hot (about 120 degrees F/ 48.8 degrees C, be careful not to scald the skin)

Gently rub some ivory soap over the bites to further take away the itch

Now ice the bites with ice cubes, an ice pack or even a can of cold soda (if you're outdoors) to keep the swelling down

There are many ways to treat mosquito bites, you just have to find the one that works for you
you can apply some oil or cream!

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Put hydrogen-peroxide in your eye and it reduce the swelling then the bite will go away.

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Do you get away from a person that has a mosquito bite?

mosquito bites are not contagious.

Can a mosquito bite you on your eyeball?

Yes but very rarely. The most common place for a mosquito to bite is the legs

What can you use for mosquito bite?

Well normally I just wait for the mosquito bite to go away, and just try to avoid scratching it. But if that doesn't work you can get a cotton ball and put some alcohol on it and just rub it on the mosquito bite, that sometimes helps. Or you can go to a pharmacy (Rite Aid, Walgreen's, etc. ) and ask if they have any anti-itch creams, most likely they will so you can just put that on the mosquito bite. And it will stop the itching so that the mosquito bite will go away faster.

Can mosquito bite pictures help me determine if my bites are from a mosquito?

Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.

What happens if male mosquito bite?

a male mosquito can bite you, but they tend to bite animals. Usually large ones like horses

Can a canary die from a mosquito bite?

a canary could die from a mosquito bite if the mosquito has the west nile virus.

How long does it take for a mosquito to go through its life cycle?

A mosquito's bite will not be itchy for very long. If you do not itch the bite the itch should go away in less than 20 minutes.

How do you heal a mosquito bite?

Apply an antiseptic cream and just leave it untouched. It will go away soon.

How do mosquito bits go away?

Mosquito bites go away on their own, but you can speed the process up by applying a cream such as burn cream or Neosporin, and refrain from scratching the bite which will only aggravate it more.

Is it a mosquito bite or a spider bite if it's a red swollen spot that itches with a clear blister in the middle?

It is a mosquito bite.

What is the difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite?

The difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite is quite simple. These bites come from two different insects.

How to protect from mosquito bite?

mosquito replellant. malaria nets