

How do you help a grieving friend?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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  • As sad as it is to see someone grieve all individuals will experience a loss and grieve. Grieving for every individual is a journey they must take on their own as far as the steps in grieving and no one can really help them 100 percent and only be there to listen to what the griever has to say; put an arm around them; hug them; be there to be sure they have food and comfort or even stay or overnight or as long as the person needs support. It is fine to just stay quiet and listen and sometimes to cry along with the griever. It takes time as sometimes it can take two or more years for a person to feel like they want to go on in life without a loved one, but each month is a step forward. It is important to remember that when someone loses someone dear and close to them the griever is never completely the same person they were before. The griever has to find a new 'me' in themselves.
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The body, that is, the part of the brain that is responsible for your emotions, like sadness, requires a grieving period. Each week should be a little less difficult for you, but the grieving process takes around 6 months. So, it is good, normal, and healthy for you to grieve for your friend.

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I am a girl so I think this answer will help. First, have a talk with her about what she is grieving about so she can let all of her emotions out (this will make her feel better) Second, try to relate with her problem and let her know you are there for her and understand how she's feeling. Third, take her to places so she can get her mind off things and try not to do or say anything to remind her of what ever she was grieving about.

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Offer Yourself Be Respectful Become Comfortable with Silence

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I'm sorry. What can I do for you? I'll listen if you want to talk.

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* When a loved one dies each individual in that family goes through their own grieving period so the best thing you can do is tell your friend how sorry you are, but you are there for them 100%. Grieving is a lonely journey we all have to take many times during our life. In time, the grieving is not so intense and we remember the person for the 'imprint of life' they gave us ... memories. Give your friend a hug and perhaps ask if they want to go out to a movie. If they don't feel like it then phone or email them off and on. You are a true friend and your friend is very lucky to have you.

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* Although you are a good friend and it pains you to see your friend in anguish over a lost love it is still not your place to tell her when she should get over the man that left her. Breakups are much like losing a loved one to death. Your friend is going through a grieving process and everyone grieves at their own pace. Grieving is a journey only that person can take and then eventually they will come to terms with it. See the other good things in your friend and go out to a movie, dinner or shop at the mall and try to be patient.

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The symptoms of grief and loss aren't always obvious. This is especially true when the person grieving is distressed over a loss that is not connected with a bereavement.The best way to tell if someone is grieving is by being really aware of the different signs of grief. Symptoms generally fall into four distinct categories: physical, emotional, behavioral, and social symptoms.Whether it is the loss of a loved one, pet, job, health, hope, or dream, people who are grieving will often:cry at the drop of a hatlack energyblame othershave upset stomachs and headachesfeel as if they are the only ones who have ever experienced this pain -- and they would be right, because for each of us grief is unique.For a detailed description the stages and symptoms of grief, and how to help those who are grieving,visit http: //

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Performing kind actions , Listening , Reassuring , Reporting depression to a trusted Adult.