

How do you help the elderly?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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12y ago

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Increase the old age state pension and it should be tax free Having worked in the field of aging for some 30 years, there are many things in addition to the answer above that would help us provide better care for the elderly. A very important part of care is allowing the elder to have options for how they want to live. All of us want to stay in an environment which is comfortable and familiar and that would more than likely be their own home. There are any number of home and community based services which would help a person remain at home with some supports. What seems to happen in a lot of cases is that it is easier to put someone in an institutional setting which is almost always more expensive and less personal than living where one is familiar. Some people prefer to go into an institutional setting especially if all of their needs can be met and there is some socialization but this is the exception rather than the rule. As a nation we could do more by putting funds into programs and services which allow families and friends to better care for the elderly. This is such a huge question, it is not easy to answer it. One thing a family can do is contact the local Area Agency on Aging serving their geographic area as each state in the union has coverage from formal agencies designed to work with elders. Puerto Rico and Guam are also included. Live with them Reassurance Calls The elderly, particularly those that live alone, can be provided reassurance through community organizations that offer live telephone chat. Automated systems also exist in some communities that call seniors at least once a day to ensure they are OK. Below in Related Links is a link called Telephone Reassurance Providers which is a directory of private and state organizations that provide both volunteer based calls as well as automated calls. Answer We can spend time visiting with them, and allowing them to share the stories from when they were younger. Also, when they actively use their minds like playing card games, engaging in social interaction, and attending exercises, and other sort of wellness classes can help to improve their mental status.

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One of the best way to help the elderly is to help them regain their sense of freedom and independence. This way, you can help them spare themselves from the feeling of isolation or depression. Your assistance can mean a lot to them but they many want to be more of help to you than a burden.

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Assist them with tasks they may find challenging, provide companionship and emotional support, ensure their safety and well-being, and connect them with resources and services that meet their needs.

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Continue Learning about Gerontology

Can a 12 year old help the elderly?

Yes, a 12 year old can help the elderly by assisting with simple tasks like running errands, reading to them, or keeping them company. It's important for the child to have supervision and guidance from a responsible adult while helping the elderly.

Do animals help elderly?

Yes, animals can provide companionship, emotional support, and physical benefits for elderly individuals. Therapeutic interactions with animals, such as petting a dog or watching fish swim, have been shown to reduce feelings of loneliness, lower stress levels, and improve overall well-being. Additionally, some elderly individuals may benefit from service animals trained to assist with tasks such as fetching items, providing stability, or alerting to medical issues.

Which department makes direct loans for the construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly?

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers direct loans through its Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program to finance the construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly. These loans help provide safe and affordable housing options for elderly individuals.

How can you use geriatrics in a sentence?

I specialize in geriatrics, focusing on the healthcare needs of older adults.

What is the impact of devaluation in elderly people?

Devaluation in elderly people can lead to feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, and reduced quality of life. It can also contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It is important to provide support and validation to elderly individuals to help combat feelings of devaluation.

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