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Adobe does not supports portable version, so you must ask reseller how to install plug ins.

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10y ago

You can download the latest version of that like the cs6 version which have many feautures.

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You can't.

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Q: How do you install plug-ins to Photoshop CS4 portable?
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What's the difference between Adobe Photoshop cs4 extended and Adobe Photoshop cs4 portable?

CS4 Extended is the legal version that you must buy. CS4 Portable is a free, illegal version that does all the same things as CS4 Extended, the only difference is that you can't add plug-ins

Where is the slice tool in Photoshop CS4 Portable?

the slice tool in portable editions of PSD does not work

How do you install filters to Photoshop cs4?

you probably mean plug-ins?As you install any software,if you mean actions then copy and paste in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Presets\Actions

What is Photoshop cs3 portable and what is it's difference with Photoshop cs3 extended?

Photoshop Portable is basically just a "ripped" copy of Photoshop CS4, making it completely free. No brush presets, tools, filter galleries, text sets, or anything else were changed in the "ripped" version from the "normal" version. It is still a hot topic over whether it is plagiarized or not, as they did give credit to all the original creators of Photoshop CS4 on the loading screen.

How can I upgrade from Photoshop 7 for Mac to Photoshop CS4?

To move from Photoshop 7 to CS4 will require a purchased full copy of Photoshop CS4 as there is no upgrade available for versions of Photoshop older than 8 - the first CS version.

What is the best book to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop CS4?

Photoshop CS4 Bible Check Here

Can you do everything with Photoshop Element 7 as you can with Photoshop CS4?


I have Photoshop CS3 can I upgrade to CS5 extended or do I have to have CS4 or CS4 extended?

Yes, you can upgrade from Photoshop CS3 (or earlier) to Photoshop CS5 Extended, no problem.

Is Adobe Photoshop CS3 better than Adobe Photoshop 7?

PS 7 is one of the older versions of Photoshop, before Adobe's merger with Macromedia. Photoshop CS4 is the current version of Photoshop (soon to be replaced with CS5 this summer). While the two have the same developer and history, CS4 is a much more advanced version of the program. Tasks that required separate programs or plugins (mini-programs that you can buy that run within PS) with PS 7 are now standard in CS4.

How do you know what Adobe version you have?

CS4 is version of software, and the name before CS4 is stand name of Software, for example Photoshop CS4 is: software Photoshop and version CS4. The Name of Software is Photoshop not Photo shop, please don't change. ---------------- If you want to know more about it then open photo shop and click on the help menu and select About Photoshop sub menu and then you will see and Photoshop about window. You can read there more about it.

Where can you get a freeware license for adobe Photoshop CS4?

Nowhere, Photoshop is not free software.

When you install a new version of Photoshop do you have to uninstall your current one?

Nope, I still have 7, CS, and CS4 on my old desktop Mac. Though there are "upgrades" that come with certain deals, like the Wacom Tablet and CS4 bundle, you have to install the Photoshop version it comes with before installing the upgrade. Also, if you uninstall them it would clear up some space on your computer.