

How do you keep from getting the flu?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Handwashing is the best way to kill germs that cause illness. The water should be very warm and soap should be used for at least 30 seconds.

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Q: How do you keep from getting the flu?
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I giant dome that can shield you all from the rest of the world.

Does getting the flu make you stronger?

Getting the flu does not make a person stronger. A person that has the flu becomes sick and weak. Many people die each year from the flu.

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Advantages of having the flu jab?

The flu vaccination should protect you from getting the flu. The flu vaccine is usually 70% effective.

When will the Swine Flu be cured?

Flu viruses are not yet able to be cured, only prevented with flu vaccinations or symptoms can be lessened with antiviral medicines. If you are exposed and have not received vaccination to prevent it, you will almost always get it and it will have to run its course. That is why flu vaccinations are important to help keep you from getting sick as well as to prevent you giving it to others.

Do onions prevent you from getting the flu?

Yes, onion and garlic will keep people away from you, which helps with prevention. But don't touch a doorknob or anything that a person with the flu has contacted, and then touch your face as the virus can still transmit this way.

Do you have to have a Swine Flu needle to survive?

To survive what? Getting the swine flu? No, you do not have to be immunized to survive. Most people will survive getting the flu, but older people and really young people are at risk of dying.

Why are people more worried about Swine Flu than seasonal flu?

Swine flu is a threat you can die from it. Wash and Sanitize your hands, cough the right way, don't touch your face, and keep your germs to your self do these things to prevent swine flu. So be careful

Is it normal getting the flu on and off in early pregnancy?

i had the flu on both my pregnancies in the early stages,

Does your nose start bleeding if you do not get the flu shot?

There is usually no relationship between a nosebleed and getting or not getting a vaccination. Your nose can bleed if you get the flu and have dehydration that causes mucous tissue to dry and crack, but you would also have had flu symptoms if that happens. Getting an annual flu vaccination is the wise approach for many reasons, but this is not usually one of them.

What causes depression when you are under flu attack?

people getting in your way and them getting on your nurvs. Its never a good feeling when you've got flu. When you shout at someone when you've got flu, just say to them sorry and explain that you shouted at them because of the flu. appoligise to them. x