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Keep yourself busy, join some community groups and understand that many people have been in similar situations before and they are still alive.

I don't mean that in a rude way - what I mean is things do get better and you must pick yourself up, move on and don't let that person get the best of you. I'm sure you have a lot to offer - take time for you and concentrate on you. Good Luck! I think I may have a better suggestion. First you need to realize that you are no better than the other person/s that hurt you as the first step to healing. Then focus on what you have, not what you don't have. Accept yourself as you are with all your good qualities and what you have, forgive and just enjoy your life, simply. You can do it!!!! I went through a similar situation and that is why I started the blog that I listed.

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Q: How do you live life to the fullest after being hurt so badly?
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live life to the fullest (talking to a male) = chayeh bimlo'am (חיה במלואם)live life to the fullest (talking to a female) = chayee bimlo'am (חיי במלואם)live life to the fullest (talking to a group) = chayu bimlo'am (חיו במלואם)

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I want to live life to the fullest and make the most of every opportunity.

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No,because if you'll let him/her back to you he/she might do hurt you again thinking that will just accept him/her if they do the same mistake

What does life your life to the fullest mean?

Living life to the fullest means embracing new experiences, taking risks, pursuing passions, and finding joy in everyday moments. It involves being present, seeking personal growth, and making the most of opportunities that come your way. Ultimately, it's about living without regrets and fully engaging in all aspects of life.

This is my life?

Yep, it's yours to live to the fullest~